Chapter 16

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As Aditya and Kirti walked away in one direction, Zoya turned around and walked in another. She would have to park her emotions and feelings for a few hours to be do the best job she could.

The family soon arrived for breakfast and the first day of the wedding week officially kicked off.

Most of the Zosh staff, Zoya included spent the rest of their day checking in all the guests that arrived during the day. While the hotel staff led them to their rooms, the Zosh staff worked to ensure their comfort, provided them with itineraries for the week and answered any questions.

Aditya and Zoya crossed paths a few times, they stole glances when the other wasn't looking and exchanged sheepish smiles when they did look at each other. In all that time Zoya noticed Kirti flitting around Aditya like a moth to a flame but it was Zoya's heart that was on fire.

As the day drew to a close and all the guests settled into their respective hotel rooms the team was busy putting in the final preparations for the welcome dinner.

Zoya was ensconced in her room trying to get ready as quickly as possible before rushing back out to ensure everything was in order. When she was done she stepped away from the mirror to get a look at herself. She had chosen a black lace sari, black and silver jhumkas and her favourite silver rings that complemented her outfit. Her nose ring glistened in the light and she smiled sheepishly. Even though she had hurried, she was careful to look her best. Not only did she want to make a good impression, she also wanted to look good. She wanted to look good for...

'Stop Zoya!' She thought. 'Why does your mind keep going to him. You have to stop'.

She slapped her forehead lightly rebuking herself and ran out the room.

Her ever efficient staff was already on site and the first guests has started arriving. Her back was turned to the buffet tables when she heard someone approach her.

She spun around and saw the person she has been inadvertently been looking for the whole day.

Aditya had been rattled and restless the whole day. He had been unable to get the previous night out of his mind. The strongest woman he knew, looked more broken than he'd seen her in a while. He had flashbacks to the time she was recovering from Yash's betrayal. That had been the last time he had seen her react this way and he was unable to comprehend what had triggered this again.

He was frustrated that he hadn't had time or an opportunity to approach her about it again. Not only was he being pulled in a hundred directions by his team, he had been unable to shake off Kirti's insistent closeness. While he'd gotten to know her and thought her a sweet girl, she was beginning to irritate him. Every time he had a moment and wanted to speak to Zoya, she would approach and drag him away. He didn't know what to make of it!

'No matter' he thought to himself.

'I will not leave tonight without getting the explanation I need from Zoya. I don't care if she screams at me in front of everyone. I have to find out.'

With this sense of determination he walked over to Zoya who was standing by the buffet tables.


'Zoya' he began to whisper but almost like she knew he was there, she spun around.

His eyes popped out of his sockets when he saw the way she looked.

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