27.Summer snacks

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1.watermelon slushy
•half a cup/a whole cup of ice
•sugar- depends on how sweet you want it
You won't believe that this comes together in just 5 minutes with only 3 ingredients and one blender.How easy is that?!
Really, though, this comes together in literally 5 minutes. All you need to do is slice up your watermelon, throw it in a blender with some ice and sugar, and press start. Easy peasy.

2.Ice cream biscuits

Cut each KELLOGG'S POP-TARTS STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE toaster pastries into fourths.

Spoon ice cream or sherbet on the unfrosted side of eight of the toaster pastry pieces. Top each with an additional toaster pastry piece, unfrosted side down. Lightly press together, making four "sandwiches".

Place sprinkles in shallow dish. Roll edges or each "sandwich" in sprinkles. Individually wrap in plastic wrap. Freeze at least two hours or until firm.

3. Homemade icy poles
•favourite soft drink/juice
•favourite lollies (eg gummy bears, snakes)
• icy pole moulder
Pour your favourite lollies into the moulder, not filling it fully. Pour your drink into the moulder filling it to the top, then put the lid on. Put into freezer and leave for (minimum) 3 hours.

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