56. Question answered

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How do you choose between two friends, or make them get along?

1. You can try to have the two friends talk to one another and work things out. This can be tricky. While you might have the best intentions in this, one or both friends may resent you doing this. A good way to approach it is to email them both and say, "I care about both of you and would like to help any way I can in this argument. Can the three of us sit down and talk, with me just as a sounding board? I just want to help you both come to an understanding."

2. If the both of your friends, like you and care about you, then I would recommend saying something like "guys can you please stop fighting" add a reason e.g "it makes me really upset to see you guys fighting" and say something along the lines of "for me, can you please be friends" or "for me, can you please stop fighting". The exact same thing happened to me and my two friends wouldn't stop fighting and talking about one and other to me, I used this excuse and it worked :)

3. If your friends are talking about each other badly and they are telling you these things, make it clear that you don't want to upset (the person who is saying bad things) them, but could they not talk about each other, because you like them both and it makes you feel uncomfortable when you talk about them badly (or at all/ optional)

4. Try to find things in common, between the two people that are arguing, if they both like soccer, bring that up as talk about that, (even if you hate soccer) make sure if they support a different team, don't talk about the teams that they like, because that can be an easy argument starter.

I hope this helped, and thank you so much for coming to me for help, if you want to have a shout out (I don't know if you want me saying your user and everything) then just text or comment :)

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