Chapter 10: Nearly Upon Us

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Only hours after Henry defeated Brute Boris and the other Alison and Boris with a mechanical arm found and brought him to their hideout, he was loved away behind boards he knew that they didn't really trust him well Henry was the only human down here in this studio it seemed and he understood way these two were acting like this but he was grateful that they didn't want to kill him like everything else seemed to be in the studio.

But then again Henry thought about the time the ink demon slammed into the vent opening the demon was not the same one he had encountered before, he thought for a few moments before thinking about when he went back to the Ink Machine on the Animation level he acted just the same as in the vent.

He sighed to himself thinking this over before he want to draw a few things on some paper he found in the cell, he drew Bendy, Boris, Alice, Aurozia and a concept character that was never put into the show at the time but Henry still likes to draw her every now and then.

Henry was almost done drawing the character before he heard his name being called, he looked up to see Alison there with a bowl of bacon soup he stood up going to grab it before he noticed her looking down at the drawings he had made. "Something catch your interest Alice?" Henry asked

Alison looked at him before back at the drawings and pointing at the one with the concept character. "That one..." she started to say. "Can I have a closer look?"

Henry didn't respond before nodding grabbing the paper and handed it to her, once she took it her face showed confusion and distress it kind of worried Henry.

"What is this!" She asked looking at him.

Henry sighed. "She was a concept character myself and Joey came up with... we wanted to put her into the show... well I did mostly Joey then decided against it because of our struggle with Bendy's design at the time..." he replied. "Her name was going to be Karina."

Allison seemed to freeze hearing that name. "When was this done?" She asked

This was before the cartoon was first aired..." Henry replied. "This was her final look before we decided to not add her."

Allison looked at him before back at the drawing, she then took it with her back to the other side of the room. "Thank you, Henry..." she said

Henry just watched before he sighed lowly and moved to the bed in his cell.

Hours later Allison and Tom had felt their hideout and left Henry inside it alone to be left alone with the Ink Demon  when he came close to it.

The two had gotten off the boat before the giant ink hand and taken it down into the river, the two were heading towards the home of the lost ones and searchers getting close. but before any else could happen something was heard she and Tom stopped for a moment looking around before the Ink Demon and a feline came right through through a wall on the far side.

"What in this hellhole?" Alison asked looking at the both of them slightly angered and confused. "What are you doing here?"

The feline and the demon seemed to look at her confused before moans and groans came from the demon he didn't speak, the feline was close to him looking at Allison before them.

"Ink Bendy what are you doing here?" Alice asked again sounding slightly pissed.

Again the demon only let out moans and groans of trying to communicate but failing at it and this seemed to have angered the feline. "How dare you speak to him like that? He has been through a lot right now!" She stared

Tom was beside Allison staring at the two of them not saying anything.

"Aurozia is it? Why did you just yell at me? I am just asking him a question." Alison replied

"Bendy doesn't Deserve to be spoken to like that... not after that the demon has done to him... to us!" Aurozia snapped holding onto the demon's gloves hand.

Suddenly Alison and Tom stopped and started down at the feline and suddenly the demon before them groaned loudly grabbing his head and shaking it a little. "He didn't..." Alison said lowly with shock in her voice

Aurozia were confused and fairly quickly Tom moved to the side and pointing down at the floor looking at the demon as if asking him to sit down the demon was confused before he sat down still holding his head.

Allison sat down before Bendy looking right at him. "Bendy... do you understand me?" She asked.

Bendy looked at her and nodded.

"Can you talk?" Alison asked

Bendy was confused he shook his head a little groaning again.

Alison leaned back starting at him in complete shock and slight anger she growled before moving away from them.

"Ok.. what was that about?" Aurozia asked looking at her

"I told him not to do this!" Alison suddenly stated.

Bendy and Aurozia stared confused at her statement the angel girl turned towards the wolf she seemed angry.

"What do you mean?" Aurozia asked glaring at Allison.

Alison sighed. "I guess now is a better time to explain things..." she said looking at the two of them.

Bendy watched as the angel look alike moved back in front of them.

"I know who you are... you are not the ink demon..." Alison said

Bendy and Aurozia froze in shocked the feline's eyes widened. "Wait how do you?" the feline started to ask.

"I know that Ink Bendy speaks... Tom and I... may have had talks with him every now and then..." Alison said

"Wait what?" Aurozia growled.

Bendy didn't seem to happy today hear that either.

"It's a long story..." Alison replied before sitting down on the other side of Bendy.

The feline moved closer to Bendy grabbing his arm still glaring at Allison.

Alison sighed and nodded. "Why... why did he not heed my advice." She said lowly

Bendy started at her same with Aurozia. "You know?! You know what the ink demon did to my Bendy!?" She asked

"Sadly I do." Alison replied

Tom moves towards Alison moving his mechanical arm into her shoulder.

"Please... tell me what you meant with 'not heeding your advice'?" Aurozia

Alison sighed again. "Ink Bendy did like to tell us these ideas just to put it lightly. He told us of his plan to make himself and Toon bendy essentially exchange places." She said.

Bendy groaned again leaning his head into his gloved hand.

"I told him I was against it... she wouldn't want this." Alison replied

"She?" Aurozia asked

"Now is not the time... a lot of the past is going to come back to haunt us... him more than anything here in this hellhole." Alison replied before getting up. "Remain here... I have to do something... it will be better for you.

"What do you mean by that?"

"The Ink Demon took you once Aurozia... I know he is capable of doing it again... but what I think he has threatened to do so again... I would watch your back if I were you." Allison replied

The feline stopped and stared at Allison as she left she took deep breaths before she looked back at Bendy lowering her ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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