Chapter 9

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We'd been at the bar for a few hours now so we decided to go back to Bobby's. Hopefully things would've calmed down by now.

When we arrived at the house, it was quiet...too quiet. We slowly entered the building and it was empty. All we found was an iron poker on the ground.

"Bobby?" Dean called out.

There was no answer.

"Let's check upstairs," he said, before carefully making his way towards the dust covered staircase. I followed quickly behind.

"Bobby?" Dean called out again. I could hear the concern in his voice. He clearly cared for Bobby a lot.

Fear continued to seep into my body with every step we took. There was someone here and we had no idea who or what it was. I jumped when I heard a door slowly creek open. Dean carefully raised his gun, approaching the now open door.

"Come out, come out, whoever you are!" He chimed.

"Dean Winchester."

We turned around and a young woman with shoulder length brown hair was standing in the hallway. "You don't recognise me?"

A puzzled look was displayed on Dean's face. Who was this woman? And how did she know Dean?

She continued to speak. "This is what I looked like before that demon cut off my hair and dressed me like a slut."

That was when Dean's face changed. The look of confusion had now transitioned into a look of remorse.

"Meg?" He said, his voice breaking a little.

"Hi. I'd just like to thank you for trying so hard to help me," she said in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry." Dean muttered.

"So sorry you had me thrown off a building?"

"Well, we thought-"

"No! You didn't think! I was trapped in there screaming at you 'just help me please!' You're supposed to help people Dean, why didn't you help me?!" The girl was clearly distraught. But why was she so angry at Dean? It couldn't have been his fault...could it?

"I'm sorry," he said again.

"Stop saying your sorry!" She yelled before hitting him, causing him to collapse onto the ground.

"Dean!" I called out. I watched as he laid on the floor, groaning in pain.

As she continued to attack him, he kept repeating her name again and again. He didn't even try to fight back. I could see the guilt in his face. What happened with her? Was Dean somehow responsible for her immense pain? Whilst she continued to attack him, Dean pulled out his gun.

She just laughed. "Really, Dean? You should know this by now. You can't shoot me with bullets."

"I'm not shooting you," he grumbled before squeezing the trigger and releasing a bullet. The bullet went flying towards the ceiling, causing a large chandelier to crash down. It hit Meg and she dissolved into the darkness, like milk being poured into a cup of coffee.

"Iron." Dean said proudly.

I wasted no time in rushing to his aid and helping him up. "Are you okay? Who was that?"

"It was no one," he breathed out, steadying himself.

Then, I had a realisation. "Oh my god! Did you kill her?!"

"What? No!"

"Then why was she so angry at you?"

"You're not gonna let this go are you."

I shook my head.

"Okay, fine. If you really wanna know the truth, then here it is. Meg was possessed by this demon and before I met you...before Dad died...she basically tried to kill us."

"So you did kill her?"

"No! We tried to save her! We exorcised the demon out of her but we were too late. Her body was too badly damaged...and she died."

"So why's she tryna kill you?"

He sighed. "I dunno. Maybe she became some kind of vengeful spirit or something?"

"Is she coming back?"

"I dunno. Maybe?"



"I love you."


Okay so the story is ending soon so if you're enjoying the book, please vote and give feedback. Thanks for reading!

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