2: Musical Chesslers

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I figure maybe I haven't made my case airtight yet, so here's something more recent.

The week after the rumour incident was Westbridge's Democracy Days Celebration, where we celebrate... democracy. Hey, it was kind of obvious to begin with. Anyway, that twit Mrs. Quick decided that I should be forced to cooperate with that overbearing bubblehead on the school's parade float. I was insulted - I mean, didn't she think I could make the perfect float all by myself? But no, that unholy terror just has to get an iron in everybody else's fire, and therefore we were stuck working together.

"The school guidelines state that the float is required to have flowers," I said as I gestured gracefully to the mostly-undecorated float. "The rest of the design is up to me."

"Don't you mean us?" Sabrina squawked.

"Well, I'll be using 'me' as shorthand for 'us'." See? I was trying to be nice to her, considering all of her ideas always smell like last century's cheese... and how badly I was trying to ignore her God-awful hair, even though it was causing me physical pain. "I've already got the floral design in my head."

"Oh, well I'm glad your butt is working." And up came the plastic smile. "Oh, I'll be using 'butt' as shorthand for your head."

I wonder if she noticed my eyes flashing... but, being that we had a job to do, I smiled sweetly. "Fine. Why don't you run along and play in the sandbox while the other students and I get some work done?"

"Okay, okay, obviously we both want to do things our own way, so..." She stepped toward the float, thought another minute (I suppose the hamster ran a few more laps on its wheel), then said, "Alright, how about this for a compromise? I'll work on this side, and you and the pom pom heads can work on the other."

"Are you sure you're allowed to use scissors and glue all by yourself?" I said, patting her on the head. I know, ewww, I touched her... but it was worth it for the look on her face.

"Just shut up and pass me a roll of crepe," she whined.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I spent the rest of the afternoon supervising Jill and Cee Cee... and tearing off the freak's awful decorations. I swear to God, she has no design sense whatsoever. She kept getting more and more whiny about it, until finally...

"Libby! Leave my side alone!"

"Sorry! I will not allow the town to be subjected to this." I started to walk around the float again, but then I had another thought. Maybe I should just offer to do it for her; I mean, it was obvious she was completely lost and would never get it done right, right? Right.

Well, except- okay, you have to promise not to laugh, but... I slipped and fell on my tushie. I'm not sure what I slipped on - the floor under me was pretty clear - but I didn't want to stick around to hear that freak laughing at my misfortune, so I thought better of my offer and started critiquing some other student. But then, not too long after that, an odd thing happened...

She started following me. Maybe she finally realised I was the best role model she could hope for, who knows? Either way, I finally noticed she was behind me in the halls; I was trying to chat up this hottie, and he was definitely interested... until Sabrina decided to show up and ruin everything by weirding him out.

"Satisfied?" I hissed as he retreated. "You just scared off a cute guy with your freak pheromones."

My good mood vaporised, I went to my locker... but she was still there. How, after two and a half years, did she not get the message that I utterly despise her? Then, just as I was getting that creepy Stockholm vibe, it hit me - she was probably spying on me, trying to dig up some dirt for revenge!

Cheer-Streaked: A Westbridge Over-DramaWhere stories live. Discover now