13: Trip The Light Freaktastic

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Well, I made a point of avoiding Sabrina for the next three days. In fact, if I could make it through the whole week without seeing her stupid face, it would be an act of mercy from Jesus or something, because at that juncture it was all I wanted; to have a freak-free experience for my Junior Prom. Okay, so maybe it was more than slightly drastic, but I just knew she was going to try to catch me and force me to hear that awful question... to throw my words back in my face and make me deal with them, which I just didn't have time for. It would have to wait, so I avoided all contact.

And I succeeded; though I saw her in the halls a few times, and she would always try to catch up with me - there was this pained expression on her face, too - I would figure out a way to slip out of reach. Once she even stopped by my house, but I had Mother send her away; I just said we weren't speaking right now.

She finally blocked me off in the halls Friday afternoon, the night before the dance... not that I let her say much.

"Dammit, Libby, will you talk to me, please?"

"I have nothing more to say to you, Spellman!" A clever move I learned from watching the quarterback got me under one of her outstretched arms. "Have a good Prom!"

It was only when I got to my car that it hit me - in my haste to get away, I'd actually wished her a good Prom? This was definitely the weirdest relationship I'd ever had with anybody, including the iffy alliance with Mr. Kraft.

Now, a lot of strange things happened those last few days before the dance; things that I can barely remember and are way too freaky to explain, so I won't try very hard.

Let's see... the students organised a protest against the Student Council, and they even tried to elect some geek Principal. Harvey got on the wrestling team and dislocated his shoulder without even wrestling, and we cheerleaders ended up cheering for - ugh - the chess team. We even promoted Valerie to first-string - a mistake I corrected after Prom, believe me. In fact, most of these wrongs righted themselves after Prom, and I can only guess they happened in the first place because everyone was a little keyed up about the whole affair. Just wanted to make sure I covered all that before we got to the night.

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Saturday morning. It was only a few hours away, now. I was convinced everything was going to go right; I was still worrying like every hair stylist in the world had just dropped dead, but as far as I knew all my bases were covered and things were on track, so I tried not to think too much and just concentrate on getting ready.

But she just had to call. She couldn't just leave me alone for once.

"What do you want?!" I snapped after my mom had handed me the receiver and left my room.

"You have to talk to me about this someday."

"No, I don't! Come on, if you want to talk about anything else, that's fine, but not that... not tonight. I've got too much to stress over without-"

"Without what?"

"Goodbye, Sabrina... see you in Camelot."

"Libby, wait!"

I hung up. I hung up, and felt guilty... but this had to go off as planned. It had to!

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Everything was perfect. My date, Desmond Jacobi, looked way hot in his tuxedo, and my gown was one that just wouldn't quit; it befit my soon-to-be-Queen status. The food smelled divine, the orchestra was doing... well, as well as our orchestra can, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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