3: Science Freaktion

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You know what? Shut up. I can be nice when it suits me. She just rarely deserves to be treated nicely; she's a whiny little priss, and needs me there to toughen her up - to show her how real humans behave. I can only hope that through my efforts she may one day be ready for non-freak society... but I'm not holding my breath.

So back to the story that is my life. The float thing was probably the first time she and I had any real conversation of substance (such that it was), and I had hoped it would be the last time. But then, about a month and a half later, it was taken out of our hands again.

We were in Mrs. Quick's English class, and even though it wasn't her subject she was droning on and on about the science fair, which is like Homecoming Court competition for geeks. I guess she was really into it, and thought we should be, too. Anyway, for some reason unfathomable to me, our little weirdo had chosen to wear her hair like that woman in the stupid geek movie... you know, where it looks like she glued two Honey Buns to either side her head? Yeah, that one. It was too good to pass up, and she was sitting right in front of me, but... looking back, my life probably would've been a lot easier if I'd just left well enough alone.

"Why do you have two satellite dishes coming out of your thick skull?" I whispered.

"Shh!" she hissed. She was actually copying down what Quick was saying as if it mattered.

"What's that? You don't pick up the Normal Channel with those?"

"Shut up, Libby! I'm trying to listen."

Mrs. Quick shot us a look, so I flashed her a syrupy smirk and sat back. But after a few minutes, I got bored again. "Are you going to enter your head as your project? Those could get you at least honourable mention." She tried to ignore me, which simply will not do; NOBODY ignores Libby Chessler. "Or are you keeping your lunch in there? Bagels, maybe?"

"Geez, Libby, don't you have something better to do?"

"Not at the moment, and I can't seem to take my eyes off your... maybe they're wheels? Oh, so THAT'S how you get home!"


"Excuse me," Mrs. Quick said, standing over us, trying not to look annoyed. "It might be a little inconvenient, but I'm trying to impart knowledge. Some students are concerned about the science fair."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Quick; it won't happen again." She's such a suck-up... but I couldn't look like the bad one.

"Yes, ma'am... I was just explaining to her that you use the pointy end of the pencil to write with."

"Oh... okay," Quick said with a sweet smile. How did she ever earn a teaching degree? Luckily, a student on the other side of the room had his hand up, so she didn't have any more time to think about my comment.

"That was low," Sabrina hissed when she was out of earshot.

"You should know about low things," I shot back. "You're down there often, aren't you?"

"Damn it, Libby, don't you ever shut up?"

Wow, I got her to swear! I've never heard her swear before, she's so high and mighty. This was fun! "I'm afraid the bleach has finally fried the rest of your brain. Honestly, how could you possibly think doing that to your poor, damaged hair was a good idea?"

"I dunno, thought I'd do something different for a change. Now leave me a-"

"Oh, it's different, alright. God, sometimes I think you're a 'freakish needs' case."

Now she was so ticked off I could see her shaking. "One more word..."

"One more word and what?"

Cheer-Streaked: A Westbridge Over-DramaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora