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My room is fairly normal. It has a cabinet, a bed and a dark colour scheme. It changes like all the bedrooms in the palace to suit what we need it for. My pet snake, Ramen, is curled up in his tank. Patton sits on the edge of my bed as I lock the door behind me. "Stay locked" I whisper to the door. All the doors in the mind palace have a magical ability to stay locked and can only be reopened by the person who locked it. When this ability is active, you can't slink into the room. "What's up kiddo?" Patton asks, looking around my room. I sigh and grab Ramen. He slithers up my arm and rests on my shoulder. "You know Raymon has been acting weirdly ever since Thomas signed up for that drama club at his school?" Patton looks shocked but he nods. "Yes I have actually. What's happening Deceit?"
"I don't know what's happening but he is getting more and more impulsive and reckless"
"Oh no"
"He will break the mind palace I know it. You have to help me Patton, for the sake of Thomas" Patton shifts uncomfortably.
"Look, I have to go get something that will help you stop him" he says, getting up. He rushes for the door but I push him back onto the bed. "You liar! You're going to tell Raymon aren't you?! I thought I could trust you!" I yell and Patton cowers away from me. "Go on! Tell me I'm wrong!" I yell again and Ramen slithers off my back and into his tank, obviously scared. I can't believe I thought that someone would believe me. This just goes to show you can't trust anyone in this god damn palace. "You can't hurt him because he is Thomas' creativity and Thomas need him" he mutters. I gasp and sigh, my fists shaking from rage. "Alright. You go tell your..friend. Tell him everything I have told you. See if I care. Unlock now!" I say and the door unlocks. Patton jumps up and runs out the door and down the corridor.

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