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An: heyyyy short chapter but the next ones are going to be longer

I sit on my bed, head in my hands. "Ramen, why doesn't anyone trust me? No one believes me" I sigh. Ramen slithers out of his tank again and comes up onto my shoulder. He flickers his tongue on my check and I smile. "Yeah your right Ramen. I am Thomas' Deceit after all" I pick up my hat that fell on the floor and put it back on my head. Ramen curls himself around my arm. "Sorry but you can't come with me" he looks up at me and I shake my head. His head hangs low as he slithers back into his tank. I walk over and touch his nose. "A boop on your snoot for being a good boy. Now, no mischief Ramen Noodle" he curls back up under the heat lamp. I brush myself off, pull my gloves back up and head out the door, closing it behind me.

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