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An: I forgot to mention there may be swearing

We go into my room and I see Ramen's tank lying on the floor in shards of glass. "What happened!!" Remy exclaims. I can't even say anything. I kneel infront of it, looking at the mess. Some of the shards had blood on them and I could only think the worst. I hear a hiss coming from under my bed. "Ramen!?" I exclaim and crawl to my bed. I see Ramen curled up underneath it with a large cut on his side. I extend my trembling hand and he slithers onto it. I stand up and rush to my chest of drawers. I open it and a bandage and a pack of disinfectant wipes appear. Remy is looking at the mess in shock. I put Ramen on my bed with the cut facing up. "Alright Ramen this is gonna hurt for a second. I need to clean it" I say as I wipe the disinfectant wipes over the cut. Ramen hisses but he doesn't bite me. I wrap the bandage around the cut. I pick him up and and rest him on my shoulder. Remy stand up holding a peice of paper. "I think I know who did this" Remy says, handing me the paper. It has a message on it that says: I know your plans you two faced bitch. Don't try or I will destroy you. KR. "That bitch" I hiss and storm out of the room and Remy runs after me. "Where are you going?" He says, panting. "To find that son of a bitch" I say.

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