19. Menma

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Naruto's POV

I shuddered at the information I was given. I also felt a bit.. angry too. Why can't I just live a happy life? Why must one try to ruin it for me? I shook my head and looked back at Shikamaru. "Thank you for telling me this. I'll be more careful from now on." I mumbled. He nodded and walked back over to the others. I stood there for a few seconds before following him.

   As everyone began leaving, Sasuke pulled me aside. "What did Shikamaru say to you?" He asked with a serious tone trailing in his voice. "He simply told me about a surprise party he was going to throw for Temari." I said as the lie slipped through my teeth. I smiled and Sasuke seemed to believe me. "Hn." He muttered. "I'm gonna go put Menma to bed." I stated, waking over to the sleepy newborn that was tightly grasping a blue stuffed elephant. I lifted him up and carried him to his new room.

   "goodnight, my bug." I whispered, placing a soft kiss onto his smooth forehead. I gently laid him into the crib with his neck supporter. A few seconds later, the raven walked through the door and peered over my shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his chin on my shoulder. "Naru. I know you're gonna stay in Menma's room all night. So i'll stay in here with you." He mumbled. I smiled a bit and looked down at Menma. He was fast asleep. I turned around and gave Sasuke a soft peck on his lips before walking over to the wooden rocking chair sitting below the window.

  "Are you sure? you don't have to." I said as Sasuke sat down and leaned his back against the wall. "I know." He said, shutting his heavy eyes. "Goodnight, Sasu." I mumbled as i slowly drifted into a light slumber.

  Sasuke's POV

   I rubbed my eyes as the sun poured into the room, waking me from my light sleep. For a second, I forgot I fell asleep in Menma's room. After realizing, I got up and walked over to the crib. I noticed that he didn't make any noise last night, which came as a surprise to me, but I definitely wasn't complaining. I decided to let both Naruto and Menma sleep for a little longer. I walked downstairs poured myself some coffee. 'Coffee? Am I seriously craving coffee? Damn, I guess being a dad does change you.' I shook my head, pushing my immature thoughts away. I pulled the mug up to my lips and took a small sip.

   "Mhmm.. Sasuke?.." I heard a sleepy voice call out.
"good morning, love." I muttered, taking another sip of my bitter morning juice. "Morning.." Naruto replied, running his hand through his messy hair. "Menma's still sleeping?"
"You sound really tired. Go back to sleep."
"No.. I'm okay.."
I got up and walked over to Naruto, placing my hand on his hot forehead. "You're hot. Do you have a fever?" I asked. "no?" He replied, question the reliability of his answer. "You might be. Here, i'll watch Menma for today. You need some rest." I said, motioning the blonde to the couch. He hesitantly sat down on it and fiddled with his fingers.

   A soft cry came from upstairs. "Menma must be up." I said, walking upstairs to the baby's room. I reached my arms into the crib and pulled the tiny raven out. "Naru! I think he's hungry!" I yelled. I carried Menma downstairs. "There should be formula in the top cabinet.." The blonde mumbled. I walked over to the cabinets and opened the top one. I reached on the top shelf and grabbed the can of baby milk. "Just add water?" I asked. "Yeah.." Naruto replied. I tried to hush Menma's cries as i hurried to make him a bottle. "Here baby.." I said, tilting the bottle and feeding it to Menma. He drank it as soon as it was near his mouth.

      "This father shit is hard." I muttered quietly. "Language.." Naruto said from the living room. I smiled softly and sat next to him with the baby still in my arms. "I think we'll be able to do it together.." He mumbled, half asleep. "I know."

Hi my lovebugsss . 🐝❤️. I will be posting a long, juicy chapter (fingers crossed) on 10/10, Naru baby's bday 🥺. Hope you enjoyed a bit of this Sasuke and Menma bonding time . Xoxo

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