The Job

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"Hello, is this Vivian McBride?"

"Yes, this is she" I replied to the strange-unknown woman calling me at 2 in the afternoon.

"Hi yes, I'd like to book you to do my clients makeup this Saturday at 10 am at the jay leno studio in Hollywood. She's Sharon osbourne, I'm her manager."

Oh my fucking God. Is this foreal?? How the hell did SHARON OSBOURNES manager find me?? She must have seen the makeup I did for Paula Yates on her show. Im the worlds biggest ozzy fan, i really hope i dont have a panic attack if i meet him...... Shit!!!!

"Yes ma'am I would love to! I'll be there at exactly 10 am!!" I replied extremely exited but confused also.

"Great! I will give you a call tomorrow to let you know the details, have a nice day"

"OKAY, YOU T-" i started to say before the woman ended the phone call.

I sat there in awe as I was trying to grasp what the fuck just happened. This was going to be my biggest job ever. This is it, it's finally happening for me, doing makeup for Sharon is going to get my name out there! And then the money will be rolling in! I thought to myself.
As the days went by, the nerves were getting worse and worse. I was nearly shitting myself with anxiety. ( i've always been a nervous person so this situation was only making it worse). With all of the stress, i decided to call my best friend katy.

"hey dude" katy said as she picked up the phone


"BITCH!!! WHO????" she replied exitedly


"isnt she that crazy rockstar ozzy osbournes wife?" she asked.

"excuse me bitch, hes only THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS!! Im so exited maybe ill get to meet him!!!!!!
I said.
"girl thats awesome! Well i gotta go, call me after and let me know how it went!" she replied.

Fast forward to saturday and it was time! I stood in the waiting room lobby where a woman with an earpiece greeted me and led me to sharons dressing room. I walked in to see the room set up with snacks, comfy chairs and a chocolate fountain with strawberries displayed next to it. I walked toward the table at the other end of the room.

"you can set up your things on this table, sharon will be here any second now. Help yourself to the snack and the beverages!"
The staff woman explained to me as she left me alone in the room. After i finished setting up my makeup, i took this as the perfect opportunity to dip some strawberries in the chocolate and eat. One after another.... (i was starving and these were amazinggggg)
Damn these strawberries are like crack. I thought to myself just before i heard the door swing open behind me. I quickly turned around to see a man with sort of a mullet hair cut, blonde highlights, pale green eyes and a wicked adorable smile. I stood there stunned, knowing EXACTLY who he was.

"Hello... playing in the toilet eh?" He said as he leaned in the doorframe with his arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I replied turning to look at myself in the mirror only to find chocolate smeared around my mouth.
"Oh my god!" I said laughing as I grabbed a napkin and proceeded to wipe my face.

"I don't blame you, chocolate strawberries are fucking delicious man. Are you the makeup woman?" He asked as he walked into the room and started looking though a black bag for something.
"Yes, Mr osbourne. My name is Vivian by the way. Nice to meet you." I stood there with a red ass face. fuck, you sound way too exited, don't creep him out. I thought to myself.
"Oh you don't have to call me that darling, call me ozzy. Sharon should be in here any minute y'know. I've just come in here looking for my..... actually have you seen a joint lying around anywhere in here?" He asked.

"No, but if I see it I'll be sure to let you know!" I said to him staring at his hands as he shuffled through another bag. Damn he's hot. I thought to myself..

" i see you've met my husband!" Sharon said from across the room.

"Yes, nice to meet you I'm Vivian" I said to her awkwardly as ozzy continued to look around the room in a frantic manor.

"Is THIS what your looking for darling?" She said to ozzy as she pulled out a freshly rolled joint from behind her back.

"Sharon please give that to me, I've had a hard fucking day and in actual fact, I haven't even smoked a joint in weeks....we can smoke it together when your done with your show." ozzy pleaded.

"No ozzy! Now get out of my dressing room, i need to get my makeup done." sharon replied.

Ozzy left the room and i finished doing her makeup, we laughed a bit and chatted about life. Her and ozzy were newly married so we talked a bit about that. She got up to use the restroom and dropped the joint out of her pocket on to the light brown carpet floor. I bent down, picked it up, and put it in my pocket. When sharon was ready to be on, all of the crew went and stood on the side while we all watched. It was cool because sharon is quite entertaining and funny.
Ozzy walked up behind me lighting his joint and puffing on it.
"hey, how did you get that back?" i asked him

"i grabbed it out of your back pocket." he said with the most michevious look on his face. He was so cute i blushed so hard.

"sir you cant smoke that in here!" one of the leno crew members said as he rushed ozzy.

"thats alright, do you want to come outside with me and keep me company?" He asked me.
I could not believe ozzy fucking osbourne just asked me to go outside and smoke his joint with him. Am I dreaming????
"Sure!" I said as I followed him outside onto a concrete staircase.
"Don't tell Sharon I'm doing this, she hides everything fun from me." He said passing the blunt to my cold fingers.
"I won't, it will be our secret." I said inhaling smoke.
"How old are you anyway?" He asked me as he half smiled and looked into my eyes.
"17" I replied.
I never truly realized how attractive he was until this moment. His eyes were sparkling in the moonlight and I so badly wanted to kiss him.
"Wow... you look a little bit older actually. Your quite developed for your age." He said grinning at me.
Okay what the fuck is that supposed to mean?.... is he seriously hitting on me??

To my lover, I'd never lie (ozzy osbourne fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now