Under the water

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I woke up the next morning sick as a dog. I couldn't really remember everything that happened so I started to go through the events in my head. Once I finally remembered what happened in the car, I got super happy but I also felt so dirty and disgusting.

There's no denying that he is sexually interested in me... but damn, why did I take it there so soon?? What if he doesn't even remember... omg what if he DOES remember??.... what if Sharon finds out? I'll be kicked to the curb quick as fuck.... Ozzy fucking osbourne had a boner because of me....I thought to myself.

For the entire day i was in a fabulous mood. Even though we were both drunk as hell, i couldnt help but feel extremely powerful. I walked around LA that day with a big goofy ass smile on my face. I literally got goosebumps everytime i replayed last night in my head. That evening i got a call from sharon...

"hi viviannnn!" she said.

"hey sharon, whats up?" i asked her hoping on everything that she didnt know what had happened in the car with ozzy.

"did you have fun last night?" she asked.

Fuck. She knows i thought

"yeah i had a lot of fun last night! Thank you for inviting me!"  i said nervously.

"ofcourse darling. Listen, my husband is having his friends over for a little party tonight and i think you should come so that i wont be the only girl. They are really nice boys, ozzys friends and i think you are going to hit it off with his guitarist. He is single" she said.

Well shit, id really like to hit it off with your husband in the bed tonight😂. I thought to myself

"i would love to come! Yes ill be there." i replied.

"Okay great darling, ill see you here. Oh! And
bring a bathing suit!! bye bye!" she said as she hung up the phone.

Bathing suit?! BATHING SUIT?! that means were going to be outside in the hot tub tonight! My body is no where NEAR suim suit ready. With my tummy all chubby and shit. Oh well, im just gonna have to rock tf out of my insecurities if i wanna see ozzy tonight. And they are trying to set me up with his friend??? Who is he??? Shit. I thought to myself.

I bit the bullet and immediatley got in my car and went to the nearest mall to go swimsuit shopping, i also wanted to buy a new outfit so that i could make sure i looked spicy. I tried on like 24 different swim suits until i found the perfect one. It was a bright hot pink bikini that complimented my skin tone and pushed my big boobs up perfectly and it showed just the right amount ass cheek. I also picked out a tight black dress that made me look like one of those weather girls on the spanish channel. I knew for a FACT somebody was going to make a move on me tonight.... I went home and did my hair in big bouncy curls and my makeup was dark and smokey. Then the time came and i put on my dress and drove to ozzy and sharons house.
I walked up the drive way and the music in the back yard was super loud. I walked into the house, passing two men in the kitchen that i had never seen before. They were obviously wasted, screaming and laughing. I walked my way into the back yard to see what looked like maybe 20 people. I finally locked eyes with sharon and she walked over to me.

"hellooo!!! You made it! Come, lets get you a drink" she said as she walked me over to a table FULL of alcohol.

"ill take some tequila!" i said with a huge smile on my face.... Typical latina lmao

"ofcourse! Ill make you a margarita."
After she handed me my drink, she walked me over to the side of the yard.

"remember ozzy's friend i was telling you about? Come, lets meet him!" she said as i followed her.

We walked up to a little guy with long reddish blonde hair, he had his guitar in his lap as he looked up at us and smiled.

"this is randy! Randy, this is vivian my makeup artist.... Ive got to go tend to our guests now!" she said as she fucked off to the other side of the yard.

"hi nice to meet you vivian." randy said

I was shocked because i assumed that he would have a british accent like everyone else did but he didnt.

"Hi! Nice to meet you too. Im a huge fan of your work on blizzard of ozz. Its amazing!" i said to him.

Randy and i talked for a little bit but I cut the conversation short.

"Have you seen ozzy?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah he's over there." Randy said pointing at the drink table where I saw ozzy wearing nothing but his underwear, laughing and talking to one of his friends. Bravely, I decided to make my way over there and say hi.

"Hi ozzy :)" I said to him as he turned around to see me.
Sweet Jesus he was sexy. With that chubby hairy belly and that goofy smile.

"Hello Vivian! Let's get you another drink!" He said to me looking straight into my eyes.
He handed me a cup of straight vodka.

"Here ya go. Down the hatch darling!" He said as he handed me the drink and picked up his drink, which I assumed was also vodka. We clinked our cups together and chugged.

"Hahaha, I wasn't expecting a little girl like you to chug that so easily and quickly. He said as he giggled. I could tell he was already drunk and I wanted to be on his level so I kept drinking.
"Don't judge a book by its cover!" I said (cliche I know lol)

The more we drank, the more sexy he looked. I was fighting the urge to jump on top of him. I watched him and spaced out as my thoughts got more and more x rated. I was imagining all of the things I wanted to do to him.

Fuck I wasted. About an hour later I was drunk off my ass, making friends with everyone at the party. I made my way into the house to go use the bathroom and as I walked out of the bathroom door, someone scared me.

"AHHH!!!" Ozzy said with both his hands in my face as I screamed.

"OZZY!! I shouted.
"You scared the shit out of me!" I said to him as I laughed.
We were the only two people in the house while everyone, including Sharon was outside.

"I was just messing with you.." he said quietly as he wrapped his hands on my waist.


"Ozzy.." I said looking into his big, sparkling pale green eyes. they were gorgeous.

"We're getting in the hot tub.... you should join us." He said to me as he walked outside.

I made my mind. I was definitely going to fuck him tonight. My drunk mind took that as a clear invitation.
I ran to my car and changed into my bikini. I walked outside to see ozzy and his buddies in the hot tub. I couldn't find Sharon anywhere.

"Vivian! Come get in! The waters great!" One of ozzys friends shouted at me.

I walked over and inserted myself directly next to ozzy in the hot tub. I sat down and he placed his hand on my upper thigh under the dark water because there was no light In the hot tub. He continued to talk to his friends as he rubbed me slowly up and down, getting closer and closer to my vagina every time... and I did not stop him. I was so drunk that I didn't have any other thoughts beside the fact that I was going to fuck the hell out of him. I decided to put my hand on his dick through his underwear and wrap my fingers around it. I started slowly stroking it. Feeling it get harder and harder with every stroke. My vagina was screaming for his dick at that moment and the fact that his friends were right there and they had no idea what was going on was making me extremely horny. He started to rub my pussy with his strong hand for a bit and it was amazing. Then he slid his hand under my bathing suit and started rubbing my clit. Fuck. This is heaven. I wanted him to take me so badly. So I decided to stand up and get out of the hot tub in hopes that he would follow me. I started to walk inside the house and he got up and followed me. Exactly as planned.

"Ozzy, where's Sharon?" I said softly as I drunkenly gazed into his eyes. They were hypnotic to me.

"She went out with her friend to get more drinks" He replied as he grabbed my hand and led me into a spare bedroom.
It was finally happening...

To my lover, I'd never lie (ozzy osbourne fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz