the resturant

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"hey ozzy! Nice to see you again!" I replied to him.
He's literally the love of my life. Fuck.

Sharon continued to go over her schedule with me and the dates that she would need her makeup done for the next three months. Ozzy sat right across from me, cutting and eating his steak as Sharon talked. As she was talking business to me, ozzy stayed kind of quiet. He seemed like he was already pretty drunk and out of it. Every once in a while he would look up and smirk at me, then look back down and eat. After ozzy was finished with his dinner he went back into a different room. Sharon and I continued talking and drinking and ended up getting pretty drunk from the wine because she kept on refilling the drinks.

"So have you been seeing anyone lately?" She asked me.

"No, I guess I just haven't met a good guy yet. No boys my age ever really payed any attention to me honestly. And if they do, it's only for one thing" I replied to her.

"You know that I never got any attention really... from men. Ever. Growing up, until I met ozzy. He's been the greatest to me but it is a fucking pain in the ass to manage him." Sharon said to me.

"I've never really even had a real boyfriend actually... I mean I'm 17 years old. I dropped out of high school in sophomore year and got my GED,so I never got the chance to really get to know anyone... ozzy might be a handful but it's worth it, trust me."  I replied to her

"Oh I know, he's the love of my life... I love him to death, and I just want him to succeed and really live out his dream. He really deserves it, my husband." She said.

Little did she know he was also the love of my life... I thought helplessly.

"He does..." I replied.

I changed the subject and we got back on the topic of makeup. I could tell she was getting a bit drunk and even though I really wanted to hear more info on ozzy, I still really wanted to keep our relationship professional. The last thing i wanted to do was get too friendly with her you know? Because i didnt want ozzy to potentially think that i was exclusively sharon's good friend. Then he would never think about me like that.
I ended up showing her some pictures of my past makeup looks. It got late so I decided to tell her I was heading out. She stood up and gave me a hug.

"Bye darling! See you on Tuesday!" said sharon.

"Bye! Thank you so much again for this." i replied as i gathered my things and started walking through the front door.
I got in my car and drove home. I was very tired so i just walked in, threw on some pajamas and fell right to sleep.

For the next couple of days, i spent them doing my usual activities.. Except daydreaming about ozzy. I still couldnt believe that i was exclusively sharons makeup artist and that I was going to start seeing ozzy on a normal basis. It was fucking nuts to me. I don't know how the fuck I was acting normal... well I had to if I wanted to keep the job. I literally had ozzy posters, t shirts, and all of his records. I was a HUGE fan but I was trying my absolute hardest not to act like it.
The next few jobs I did with Sharon were nothing really special, just a couple of events and things like that. I hadn't seen ozzy for like three weeks because he had left for his Diary of a madman tour.

One night after an event, sharon invited me to go to a resturant to have some drinks because ozzy was in town again for a three day break from the tour while his bus was getting fixed in the shop. Of course i said yes because i was excited as FUCK to see ozzy. We headed straight there in her black and shiny new suburban driven by her driver. We got there and we walked in to see ozzy, and a couple of other crew members already getting Shit Faced at the bar.

"Oh hi daddy I've missed you!!!" Sharon shouted at ozzy as she jumped into his arms and kissing him for a long time.

I never really understood why Sharon always called him daddy in public settings. It was slightly uncomfortable but maybe I'm just a bit jealous. If he was mine, I'd call him daddy too.

I sat there and watched as I stood behind Sharon. He looked so good that night. He had this slight golden tan, and he had a bright yellow shirt on with a tiger print on it and the sleeves were cuffed at his arms. He looked straight at me. Of course i was dressed in some short black ripped jean shorts and a tiny bikini looking top with tassels covering my stomach. He walked over and greeted me.... this time he hugged me.

"hello vivian!" he said to me as he hugged me.
He leaned in and squeezed me around the waist. And i hugged him back but i made sure to feel his biceps.

"Hi ozzy how are you?" I said looking into his pale green sparkling eyes with a huge smile on my face. ( I couldn't help myself)

"Drunk as a fucking monkey! Drinks are on me tonight so you and Sharon go get yourselves whatever you want from the bar and have a good fucking time!" He said to me as he laughed.

For the rest of the night, ozzy continued to get drunk off his ass and he was the loudest one in the restaurant. All of the rich snobby people kept staring at him in disgust but we didn't care we were all having so much fun. Sharon got me drinks any time I needed a refill because I didn't want to be asked for an ID. I was 17. Toward the end of the night, Ozzy, Sharon, and I headed back to the car. We were all so drunk that I could barely walk in my heels. One of the heels broke and I started busting out laughing and walking with a limp as we all continued to laugh. Then ozzy picked me up fireman style and I loved it. My ass was right in his face and he held me down by the back of my thighs. It was so funny. I loved that feeling. We got in the car and ozzy and I were so fucked up that Sharon started getting annoyed. By this point Sharon and I had become good friends so she treated me like one, and took care of me instead of firing me because she knew I was a good person and very professional for the most part. She sat in the front with the driver and I sat in the back seat with ozzy as the song "I can't wait" by nu shooz blasted on the radio. Sharon stared out the window and every once in a while she turned around to tell ozzy to shut the fuck up. I would laugh every time... poor ozzy.

Eventually my drunkenness got the best of me and I wasn't even thinking. I waited until I knew Sharon wasn't looking and decided to make the boldest/ riskiest move in my life... I placed my hand on ozzy's knee. He looked into my eyes with a blank stare and looked down at my hand. I started slowly rubbing it higher and higher. He looked at me, completely wasted and put his hand on my inner thigh right below my shorts. I looked down and watched as his tattooed fingers lingered slowly on my skin. It turned me on so much so I let him. I just could not believe that this was finally happening. And that he was letting it happen...

that was quickly interrupted by Sharon.

"Ozzy! Do you want to stop and get some food to eat?" She asked him and both of our hands left each other's legs within a blink of an eye.

Mood killer.

"No darling I just want to go to sleep" ozzy mumbled.
Sharon turned back around and continued to stare out her window. He put his hand back on my thigh and started slowly rubbing me back and forth. Each time getting closer to my vagina. I was so wet and I desperately wanted him to touch me. I looked over to see a bulge in his pants....

"First stop is here!" The driver announced from the drivers seat.

It was my apartments. Shit! I don't want this to end.

I said bye to ozzy and I said bye to Sharon all innocent like if her husband wasn't just touching me right under her nose. I went inside and masturbated like it was going out of fashion! I came twice just thinking about his big hands touching me and the bulge in his pants. I had the best sleep ever.

To my lover, I'd never lie (ozzy osbourne fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now