give me a show

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"Ozzy?" i said to him getting his attention.

"yes?" he replied

"i dont want this to seem wierd but can you please sing for me?" i said really hoping he would.

"How about i give you a private concert right here in your living room?" He said smiling

"YES!!!!! I would LOVE that!" i told him

"IF-....." he started to say

"if ?" i asked as my heart started pounding.

What is he gonna ask me now?😂

"how about i give you a show, in exchange for a show ?" he said smirking at me with that adorable ass accent.

"what kind of a show are we talking about here?" i asked him knowing exactly what he meant,, i just wanted to hear him say exactly what he wanted.

"i want to watch you strip and then fuck me" he said looking straight into my eyes making me extremely nervous.

"deal😅" i said
"now sing for me!" i shouted

"i havent warmed up so its not going to sound as good y'know. What the hell!,,Play the instrumental to "i dont know" from blizzard." he said.

"actually... I know how to play that song on guitar! I could play while you sing!" i said excitedly.

"you play guitar?!" he said all shocked

"yes i do!!, let me go get it, ill be right back" i said as i got up and walked into my closet and pulled out my purple warlock style electric guitar and brought it out to the living room.

"are you fucking with me??? THIS is your guitar?!"  ozzy said stunned

"yes! Haha its a big passion of mine besides makeup" i said as i plugged my guitar into the amp and turned it to my favorite preset. "stadium hero"
Ozzy sat there stunned and concentrating on my fingers, i dont think he had ever seen a female shred before.
I started to play the song JUST like how randy plays it.

"People look to me and say, is the end near when is the final day." Ozzy sang and my heart SANK.       PANTIES: WET         HOLY FUCK

"Whats the future of mankind? How do i know i got left behind..." 

I was in awe. Literally. He sounded so good i just wanted to rip his clothes off and jump his bones. My mind was so blown that he was singing to me, let alone in my living room.... LET ALONE KNOWING I EXIST.... FUCK

after he sang the song i tossed my guitar down and started making out with him.... Ripping his clothes off just as i imagined.

"i would take you to my bedroom, but i figure you dont wanna look at pictures of yourself while you fuck me" i said giggling

"yeah that would be a bit cooky wouldnt it." he said as he continued to push me down on the couch.

We went to pound town for like an hour. It was so amazing and afterwords we cuddled on the couch and kissed. I felt so happy yet so sad at the same time because i knew he was married. I felt guilty. And i started to get a terrible feeling and thought.... The way he fucked me was probably the same way he fucks sharon. And why was he so quick to cheat on his wife with me? Even though he barely knew me. Not that im complaining.... I just couldnt stand the thought of him being with another woman. Am i the only girl hes cheating on sharon with? Am i sitting here thinking im special when he's probably telling his other mistress-groupies the same things he's telling me? Does he see me as an easy target bc im alot younger than him?  Is he going to tell me everything i want to hear, and fuck with my emotions for sexual favors like the many other boys in my life have? I cant go through that again.... And if Ozzy did that to me,, i would be absolutely shattered.

What if ive made ozzy out to be this amazing person in my head and fell for the fantasy... What if ozzy isnt actually who i think he is in real life?

I hate to do this but maybe i should back off until he shows me in some way that he really cares. I thought to myself as i layed in his arms

To my lover, I'd never lie (ozzy osbourne fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now