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"Those wires ain't gonna hang themselves Lyla" Ross' thick accent rings in my ears as he refers to the wires I'm supposed to be unplugging from the amps and hooking up like I usually do.

I stand facing the stage, wondering whether or not to just leave the whole building and go home since it's already five minutes passed the end of my shift, obviously I know I can't do that or else I'd probably get sacked, but part of me just wants Ross to finish me so that I can find a new job where I'd be much happier and where I'd get paid more for doing everything instead of less just because I'm a girl and because I'd only been taken because my dad practically forced the fuckers to have me so apparently that makes me useless.

But the thing is, Ross wouldn't sack me, not when my dad's on his case every second asking about how I'm doing, if the piece of shit did decide to tell me I'm done- my dad would absolutely annihilate me. See he's the one who got me this job in the first place, I didn't even have the choice to say no because then I'd be 'ungrateful' in my parents' eyes. So like the young idiot that I was, I said yes with a smile on my face looking like I actually wanted to work with a bunch of misogynistic wankers.

"But my shift already ended, can't someone else just do it so I can get ready to leave?" I ask with a softer voice than usual in order to avoid him screaming at me.

"You think I care about your shift? The stage needs cleaning and you're clearly suitable for the job" he smirks, nudging the man beside him as they both snigger at his stupid and completely unfunny comment.

Turning to face the stage again, taking my eyes off of the two arseholes stood in front of me giggling at the sexist joke, I almost walk on to do the job I'd been told to do, but I'm stopped by the sound of a familiar voice sounding from behind me.

"Mate, don't yous have somethin' better to do than makin' girls half your size do your jobs for you?" A voice which warms me inside every time it speaks calls out from around the corner, a voice I definitely did not expect to hear inside the building rather than outside.

My eyes widen, taking in the humorous sight of my Boss getting aggravated at who just showed up, "what're you doin' here?" I ask him, wondering how the hell he even got in without a key and how he passed the security who usually wait in the corridors for 'imposters', or fans as normal people like to call them.

"Well it's been like ten minutes and you're never late out so I just wanted to check what was goin' on" he smiles softly at me before turning to Ross who's still partly laughing but partly getting mad that some random man has just walked in, "but then I heard him givin' you the mouth an' I got a bit too curious" Van furrows his brows as Ross' little minion snickers under his breath, I don't even pay enough attention to this place to know his name, not that I care about what it is anyway.

"Uh- I guess I'll leave then" I say, but it comes out as more of a question, at which Ross frowns and shakes his head in a somewhat disappointed manner.

"Don't bother comin' back either" Ross laughs along with the other man, "not that anyone would want you to anyway" he mutters this comment a little quieter but Van heard it nonetheless.

"Why don't yous just fuck off yeah?" His tone is harsh, in fact his whole demeaned is harsh- it's something I haven't witnessed before, something I don't think I wanna witness again.

"Oh I'm sure your fans love that foul mouth of yours" Ross bites back once again, like the usual trouble maker he is.

"Nah but your wife does" Van's snarky and extremely childish comment calls as an indication that we should most definitely leave.

Holding back a laugh, I quickly make my way over to the floppy haired boy and usher him out of the building as he tries to wriggle out of my grip, "okay that's enough, let's go" I say as he lets out a few laughs himself knowing full well that his joke was hilarious but it definitely could've done more bad than good.

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