Chapter 14: Old Me

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@wolfytheship15: I think we have to address some people here who we haven't mentioned in a long time. Thaum and Toilet how are you guys doing? I mean, working behind the scenes, and trying to not have the whole world almost, you know, DIE AGAIN.

"Ugh, explain to me why we're doing this again?" Toilet asked, stepping through the portal that had just been opened.

"Since you been on good behavior, and because I haven't interacted with this story in awhile-" I replied, following Toilet into the bar. "I figured we should treat ourselves to some drinks!"

Toilet frowned. "Speaking of that, why haven't you written anything lately? The last chapter was what- August? What have you been doing?"

The two of us sat down at the bar. I shrugged at his question. "Eh, you know how things are. School, life, friends, the whole shebang. Plus I've been working on another book on the side, so I haven't had the chance to write this story in a long time."

I motioned over towards the bartender and smiled. "Clockwork! My good fellow! One vanilla milkshake for me! And for my friend-!" I suddenly realize I never bothered to ask Toilet what he wanted.

He sighed. "I'll take a mug of ale if you got it." Toilet paused before looking at me. "Why am I even asking if they've got it? You can just write in that they've got it here."

The bartender, Clockwork, turned towards the two of us, drinks in his hand and a blank look upon his face. Well, I assumed he had a blank look. It's sort of hard to tell what he's thinking with that creepy mask of his.

"Here you are." He stated in his low gravelly voice as he held the drinks towards us. "A milkshake for the writer and an ale for her prisoner."

Toilet looked offended by Clockwork's comment, but took the ale anyways.

"I wouldn't call him my prisoner," I said after taking a sip of my milkshake. "more like a writing buddy and voice of reason. He was able to point out some major faults in my writing when he was, ya know, evil."

"Speaking of your writing-" Clockwork began to speak as he wiped down the counter. "how is that story of yours coming along? Going well I presume?"

I chuckled at his comment. "You don't have to ask me. You are omnipotent, just like in Jon's videos, so you know about everything in and behind the scenes. You even recently got a cameo in it! How was that chapter by the way? You think it was up to par?"

Clockwork stopped cleaning and looked up at me. The clock like eyes on his mask were a little intimidating if I'm being honest.

"You really want to know what I think of your work? The honest truth?"

Toilet eyed him curiously, wondering what he'd say on the matter. I however, was obvious to this. "Sure! I'd love to hear what you think of it!" I beamed.

Clockwork bent forwards, now at my eye level. I could hear a faint ticking coming from him, and we remained in the silence of these ticks for what felt like hours. Even through his mask, I felt his breath against my face as he began to speak.

"Your book," He began. "is a convoluted mess that is pale in comparison to the videos it's based on. There are so many plot lines that seem to just be dragging on and on because you insert any idea that sparks your interest, and none of them seem to be ending anytime soon. The Jons in your book have become so distant from the characters they are based off of, they've become just about unrecognizable. You made a comic you couldn't handle and now its only two pages rot in the abyss that is Tumblr. And to top it all off, you both simultaneously procrastinate when it comes to this story, but you won't let it die."

Ask the Jons! (DISCONTINUED) (A Multiverse Story/Ask or Dare Book)Where stories live. Discover now