flying the coop part 2

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Señor uhl slammed his hands on the desk
"No, stop right there, if you're just here to make unfounded accusations and making students feel bad then you can leave my school right now" he exclaimed

And turned to them
"I'm very sorry I brought you I for this" he apologised

Bertha stood up
"Also, it has come to the board's attention that you two chickadees have been attending this school without being properly registered" she walked towards them

"and you,ms. Kate have been very absent for most of the school year and not properly known as human" she evily smiled at kate

Kate felt her heart ache at the mention of human, she clenched her fist trying to tame her anger, again she felt something flowing through her brain


Kate,aja and krel were confused well kate was intimidated
"There's no record of you anyway" bertha checked her board

"And no proof of Ms. Kate attending this school cause of her absent days" she looked at kate
The truth why kate was absent for a lot of days was because of Trollhunting duties, but kate wasn't gonna admit that

"It's as if you three fell right out of the sky" bertha said sitting back down

"Excuse me, but I've going to this school ever since I finished Elementary school so basically I'm been going here for years" kate defended

"That's true, kate has been part of Arcadia oaks high ever since and she's a hard-working student" señor Uhl placed a hand on Kate's shoulder

"That may be true but again your absent days have affected your record, but no need to be frightened, it's just a simple form" bertha said as she picked up a HUGE pile of forms and handed them to krel who struggled a little

"It doesn't feel very simple" krel admitted
Then she gave some to aja then kate

"I'll need copies of your..."

Bertha began adding more forms to their piles
"Birth certificates"
"Immunization histories"
"Report cards"

She kept adding as they struggled
"Discipline records"
"home phone bills"
"Cell phone bills"
"Attendance records"

She placed the finally forms on
"And text message history"

The piles was so big they covered kate, krel and aja's faces
They struggled to hold them while balancing, they peaked at the top

"Plus, a parent and/or Guardian must fill out a home situation and a language survey, oh! And most importantly, you need to show proof of residency, that's the most crucial thing" she finished

"Hmm, the papers you're requesting go beyond our usual requirements" señor Uhl said

"The new school board administration is concerned about..." She walked to uhl

"*whispering* illegal aliens" she whispered to him "hiding in Arcadia"

"Aliens?" Aja and krel asked

"That's probably true, but its really COOL!" Kate exclaimed making krel blush when she said it was cool

"What do you mean?" Aja asked

"Nothing!" Kate squeaked, not wanting the twins to know about her sightings of the blue aliens she saw or they might think she's crazy and leave her, kate didn't want that to happen

"'illegal'? Such language is not permitted inside my school" uhl scold

"Mr. Uhl, I do believe you are only the interim principal, the school board is looking to permanently fill the position with someone more cooperative" bertha shot back

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