Chapter 3

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I stared at those blue eyes, I could easily get lost in them if I star too long. It was definitely that dude from yesterday. His outfit gave him away. He grabbed my junk... God damn... 'Stop Ichigo! Don't let your masochistic fantasies get to you right now!' I bit my lip and my eyes turned back to normal. "Fuck!" I yelled as I gave into my fantasy. The man stared at me like I was a crazed lunatic, which I was. 'Wait... This dude was looking in my room, has he been WATCHING ME!? Did he watch me masturbate last night!?' My face turned beat red. The muscular man stepped forward and said "Your the guy going around killing people?" His voice was deep and full of surprise. I looked away as my pants tighten. He stared at me with those curious blue eyes. He waved his katana around and put it at his side. He kneeled down and slipped his hood off. I stared at his hair, it reflected the moonlight causing it to glow blue. God I wanted him to fuck me into oblivion. He put a hand on my shoulder and whispered "Why the fuck do I feel like this?" I glanced at his lips, thin and appetizing. His K-9 teeth, I wanted them to sink into my neck so I could bleed. I looked away then stood up and leaped into my house through my window. I laid in bed and tossed around, he was so damn close! I could have just seduced him or something! He's hotter than I imagined! I didn't get any sleep that night and of course I had school the next day.

I got to school and there was an unexpected transfer student that was coming today. "Hey Ichigo, you don't look to hot bro." Renji said with concern. I waved him off "I didn't get any sleep last night." He made the oh face then the bell rang. The door opened and walked in the transfer student. My eyes widen NO FUCKIN WAY!! That guy from last night with the blue hair was here. The teacher pointed to the desk behind me and I wanted to die. The only guy here that knows I'm the damn killer is in the same class as me! He even tried to fucking kill me! He sat down and poked my shoulder, I glanced at him and he asked "What are we doing?" I shrugged and faced the front of the room. The teacher explained that we were doing a group project of 4 or less. We got to choose our groups, of course I went with Rukia and Renji. The blueberry ended up following me. I turned to him "I don't even know your name." He jumped and rubbed the back of his head "Grimmjow, but you can call me Grimm." I nodded. A hot name for a hot guy. We were assigned a historical event and we were supposed to make a slide show and demonstrate it. I glanced at Grimmjow and he was watching my every move. We locked eyes every once in a while but it didn't last long because I looked away. We all got chrome books and started on the slide show. We each had a slide to do, Rukia and Renji had to do two. Of course they held hands or cuddle the whole time and here I am sitting next to a hot ass guy in awkward silence. I bit my lip, Grimm stood up and his lump brushed my arm "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I blushed a beat red as he passed my seat. Rukia leaned next to me and whispered "Do you have a crush?" She wiggled her eye brows. I frowned "No.... His big ass dick brushed my arm." Rukia wiggled some more. I pushed her away, "No." She frowned and continued on the slide.

Grimm's been gone for five minutes and for some odd reason I was curious as to what he was doing. I stood up and asked to go to the bathroom. When I got there Grimmjow was just standing up against the wall on his phone. He glanced at me then put his phone away as if he knew I would come. I immediately regretted going. "Who all knows about you?" I stopped dead in my tracks "Shut up. It's just you." He nodded as I walked to the urinal to pee. He watched my every move which creeped me the fuck out. He walked up and stood right behind me. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. I sighed and finished. I went to pull my pants up but a strong hand stopped me. I bit my lip as my mind ventured back to my fantasy realm. I glanced back at him, his eyes darted to meet mine then back down over my shoulder. I didn't want to but I shoved him back and pulled my pants up. I left the bathroom and headed back to class. Grimmjow came back not long after me and we finished our slides just in time for the bell.

After school I headed home like I normally do but I was being followed by Grimmjow. I stopped and dropped my bag on the ground. I took my shirt off and pulled out my murder sweat shirt. I slipped it on and formed my hollow mask. I picked my bag up and headed towards my house where I chucked my bag in the yard. I was in the mood for an early killing spree. Grimm followed me everywhere I went. I went into an alley and found my first target. It was Orihime from school. She annoys me and I'm in a bad mood. I came up from behind her and stuck my hand right through her chest. The warmth of the insides and the blood running down my arm made me excited. This is just what I needed. I pulled my arms back out and started to tear her apart, making sure to paint a master piece of blood. Grimm watched me from above as I did my thing. I could feel his gaze on every inch of my body. Once I finshed painting I took my long ass claw and cut her face right off of her head and stuck it to the wall. I laughed at my work and leaped up to the roof of the building. Grimmjow stared at me with fear and surprise. "Do you not like my art?" He didn't say anything.

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