Chapter 18

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I got home with Grimmjow and my dad treated his wounds. They weren't severe but there were a few deep cuts across his chest. "Thank you dad." I whispered as he finished wrapping Grimmjow up. He nodded and patted my shoulder "No problem." Grimmjow groaned and laid down in the couch. "Ichigo, come here for a sec." My dad said and I followed him into he kitchen. "The Reapers have a weak point. You destroy that and you win." I smiled, "Where?" He smirked, "Not where, who. The man running the organization, his name Yamamoto. He doesn't have much strength left since he on his last leg so I'm sure you can take him down." I nodded. "I'll hit them where it hurts the most." My dad smiled "Do you even know where to start?" My smile disappeared and I looked to the ground "No...." He busted out laughing "I do! It's under the school." Grimmjow groaned, I glanced at him he was gripping his stomach. I keeled next to him and placed a hand over his hand. His eyes opened, ha have me a smile "I'm fine, it just stings a little." I nodded. The floor rumbled and the house shook, I stood up and my dad yelled for Yuzu and Karin. "I'm taking the girls and getting out of this city until this is all over. The place is becoming a battle ground." My dad urgently as I as he grabbed a few things. "Ok. I'll see you guys soon." My dad smiled and left with the girls.

I turned to Grimmjow, "I'm gonna head out." He nodded. "Alright, I'll be out in a bit." I smirked "Of course you are." He laughed and I left the house. I raced to the school to take out the main guy. When I arrived the school was crawling with reapers. I saw Renji and Rukia along with some other people. So Rukia IS a reaper. I really don't want to fight them at all. I bit my lip as I thought of a way to sneak last them without having to fight. But each way ended up the same, I fought them anyways. I cursed under my breath and leaped down from the building I was on. I guess I'll just go in head on. It was a dumb move but it would be fun. "Ichigo?" I heard Renji say. I saved "Yo, what's up Pineapple head?" He glared. "Don't call me that carrot top!" I laughed then got serious as a reaper I didn't know approached me. He was short with snow white hair and teal colored eyes. He looked like a kid, he had a katana at his hip and he placed a hand on the handle, ready to strike if he needed to. "Leave, if you do not, I will be forced to kill you." I couldn't help but laugh. "You? A kid like you? Kill me? Ha! Don't make me laugh!" He glared and pulled his sword out in the blink of an eye. This kids fast, he held the sword to my neck "I will not ask you again, leave." A large smirk spread across my face. My eyes turned black and good as my mask formed across my face. My voice changed "You'll have to make me." I leaped back and he followed me. Ice started to form on his arms and legs as two icy wings spread from his back. Three purplish flowers floated behind him, each one had four pedals. I smirked, he came at me at full speed, he swung his sword but I caught it with my thumb and index finger. He smirked and ice started to encase my hand quickly traveling up my arm. I glared at him as I melting the eyes, I was getting pissed. I want this fight over so I can end this as fast as I can. Out of the corner of my eye I say Renji and Rukia watching me with fear spread across their faces. Great just great, now they aren't gonna want to talk to me. I thought. I felt a sharp pain in my side and quickly looked down to see the bastards sword slicing into me. I let out a low growl "That hurts." His eyes widen and I punched him in the face. He let go of his sword and went flying backwards. I ripped his sword from my side and tossed it to the ground. I slowly made my way to the kid, now covered in his own blood, and smirked. He slowly sat up groaning in pain, I shoved him back down into the concrete with my foot and stepped on his head. "Damn it!" He cursed as I added some pressure to his head. He gripped my leg squeezing it with all his might. I laughed at his poor efforts, he screamed in pain, "Where's your leader?" His eyes widened. Then instantly glared at me "I'm not telling you!" I sighed and pushed down harder. He screamed and punched my leg. It was a weak lunch that's for sure. "Tell me." I pushed harder. "Gahhhhh, No!" He yelled. His screams of agony were starting to get to me. Then I heard a loud crack and my foot went right through his head, crushing his brain. His body stopped all movement and he let out his final breath. I frowned, "That wasn't fun." I lifted my foot and shook off some of the blood and bits of brain and walked away.

The Assassin (Grimmichi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن