Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning and I could hardly move. I groaned "Owww..." My butt cheeks stung and my lower back hurt. I slowly rolled over one my back and noticed Grimmjow was gone. My phone started to vibrate from on the floor, I bit my lip as I slowly reached for it. I wasn't close enough, I sighed "This sucks." I heard a door open and Grimmjow walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. His hair was set and water dropped down his muscular chest. I internally moaned at the sight. "Can you grab my phone for me?" He chuckled "Why? Did I fuck you to hard?" I blushed. He walked over and grabbed my phone. "Damn, your pretty popular this morning." I tilted my head as he handed me my phone. My eyes widen, I had over 99+ messages. I groaned, I scrolled through my messages and most of them were from group chats with all my friends. I just glanced through them and sighed, Grimmjow walked to his closet and dropped his towel to the ground. My face turned beat red "Grimmjow!!" He glanced at me with an innocent face "What?" I face palmed. He laughed and slipped on some boxers. Suddenly the door to his room was ripped open, I squealed and covered my body with the blanket and Grimmjow yelled "Get out!" All I heard was a creep ass laugh. I looked up and saw who it was, "NNOITORA GET OUT!!" He stuck his tongue out. "You had fun without me! I'm disappointed. I was stuck in my room masturbating to the sounds of your guy's moans." Grimmjow was now pissed. He stopped his way to the door and punched Nnoitora square in the face. He stumbled back far enough for Grimm to slam the door shut. "I hate him so much!" Grimmjow growled. I agreed, "Um, can you help me get a shower?" He smiled and nodded "Yeah, anything for you." I blushed and gripped the blanket. He picked me up bridal style, I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold myself up and we went into the bathroom.

After my shower, Grimmjow was soaked. I may have sprayed him with the water, it was hilarious. Once we were dressed we left the hideout and headed to my house. My dad was sitting on the couch sleeping while Karin was helping Yuzu with dishes. "Welcome home Ichigo!" Yuzu chimed. I smiled "Yeah, glad to be back!" Her eyes trailed from my face to my neck and she poked the bite mark "What's happened?" I quickly covered it "Oh, nothing really." She frowned while Karin laughed. "Nice hickey, Ichigo!" I glared at her while Yuzu tilted her head "What's a hickey?" Karin laughed even harder. Grimmjow slowly stepped backwards but I grabbed his shirt and yanked him back. "Uhh, it's ummm." I was struggling. "ICHIIIIGOOOOOO!!!" My dad shot up from the couch and pounced on my. I screamed in pain, everything was so sore! My dad quickly stood up and helped me back to my feet "Are you alright?" I nodded and leaned on Grimmjow for support. "Daddy, what's a hickey?" Yuzu asked and my dad's jaw dropped to the floor. Grimmjow and I took that opportunity to try to slip last him and head upstairs to my room but before we could reach the steps my dad grabbed both of our shirts and yanked us to the floor. "Well, it's something that people do when they are making love." My dad tried to explain. Karin was now rolling in the floor laughing, my dad turned to us with the intent to kill "Where did you learn that word from!?" Yuzu answered "Karin. She said that mark on ichigos neck was a hickey." My dad immediately looked to my neck. I gave a slight chuckle "Funny...." Grimmjow sighed "Sorry, it was my fault." My dad nodded "I know, BUT hide them better! My Yuzu is just an innocent little girl!" Yuzu puffed out her cheeks. "I'm not innocent!!" Pretty sure Karin passed out from laughing so hard by now. My dad patted her shoulder "Your such a good girl Yuzu!" She smiled "I know!" My dad turned and went back to the couch. I let out a sigh of relief and grabbed Grimmjows hand. We headed upstairs to my room.

We sat on my bed together when his phone buzzed, he checked it and his body tensed. "Shit..." He growled. "What's wrong?" He looked me in the eye just as my phone buzzed. I checked the message, it was from Aizen. My eyes widen when I read the text, "Its happening... Tomorrow." There was a knock on my window causing the both of us to turn around. Nel was standing there, I opened the window and she plopped on my bed. "I'm assuming you got the message?" We both nodded. She looked me in the eye "Ichigo, you need to calm down ok? Your probably gonna be the key to this missions success." I bit my lip as she continued. Grimmjow wrapped his arms around me "I hate to drop that on you but your possibly the most powerful assassin we have in our arsenal. Aizen said that himself at one of the meetings we had a while ago. I know this is gonna be hard for you but please stick with us until this is all over." I nodded. I looked to the side, took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes "I'll do my best, if I AM the key to this mission I won't let you down." She smiled and ruffled my orange hair. "I'm counting on you, all of us are." With that she left. We sat in silence for a while as I thought about what she had said. "Ichigo.." Grimmjow whispered in my ear. I looked him in the eyes, he connected our lips in a slow passionate kiss "You can do it, I know you can." I smiled and said my head on his shoulder. He held me tightly as if his life depended on it.

My phone buzzed, I grabbed it and answered "Hello?" "Hey Ichigo! You busy at all?" It was Renji. "I'm with Grimmjow but we aren't doing anything, why?" He thought for a sec "Ah, I was gonna see if you wanted to hang out with us!" "Us? Who's all there?" As he spoke the names I heard a hint of worry in his voice, I didn't understand why. "Uh, Rukia, her older brother, Byakuya, and a few people I work with. We were gonna go to a club and stuff to celebrate." I narrowed my eyebrows when he said celebrate. "What's the occasion?" There was a long pause. "Uhhh.... The place I work at just bought a new property. We are gonna be moving all our equipment and stuff tomorrow." My eyes widen. The school!? "I'll pass. Thanks for the invite." Renji sighed, I don't know if it was a sigh of relief or sadness. "Are you sure? You can bring Grimmjow with you." I looked at Grimmjow and mouthed "Do you wanna go?" He nodded "Sure." I turned back to the floor and answered "Alright, when and where?" Renji laughed "I'll text you the time and place." with that we hung up. "I'm worried it's a trap." Grimmjow mumbled. I nodded in agreement. "Should we tell Nel and the others?" He thought for a second. "Probably, but they'll want to come with us." I looked at Grimm, his thinking face was so adorable, his eyebrows furrowed, he was biting the inside of his cheek and had a hand on his chin. He glanced at me "What?" I blushed "Nothing." He smirked. I rolled my eyes "I think we should tell them." I stated. He nodded "Agreed, it's safer. Besides we might run into our inside guy there." I nodded and pulled my phone out. Then I realized I don't have Nels contact info, I turned to Grimm "Could you tell her? I don't have her in my contacts." He nodded and pulled his phone out, texting Nel. Sitting minutes she shot back through my window kicking both of us in the back of the head. We fell the the floor, I moaned in pain as I made contact with the hard floor. Grimmjow turned around just as Nel yelled "ARE you two crazy!? Are you trying to get us exposed!?" She leaped of my bed and stood over top of me. Her boobs looked bigger from down there, I could hardly see her face. Grimmjow stood up and growled "One of the Reapers invited us to go! He's friends with Ichigo!" Mel glared and got in Grimms face "Have you ever thought that it would be a trap!?" I sighed and slowly and painfully stood up. My dad opened the door, his eyes about popped out of his head when he saw Nel. He shot backwards with a stream of blood from his nose. Nel frowned then hit back to the situation in hand "Huh!?" I nodded "Yeah we thought about it but I can't just turn him down." She sighed. "Fine, our inside guy is gonna be there too. He may or may not approach you, Grimmjow?" She turned to Grimmjow, he held a scowl on his face "Youshould recognize him right away, it's Nnoitoras boyfriend after all." Grimm face palmed "That half breed!?" Nel nodded. He sighed "Alright." My phone buzzed, they both looked at me "It's the time and place." Grimmjow nodded, "It's at 6 tonight, we meet at the cafe in town then go to the club from there." I put my phone away. "We have 4 hours to get ready and get there."  Nel nodded "Alright, be careful." I smiled at her. My dad slowly sat up and mumbled "When did my son meet such a hot girl like her!?" My eyebrow twitched. I glared at him and yelled "Shut up!!" Nel chuckled and leaped from my window. Grimmjow placed a hand on my cheek and whispered "We better get ready." I smirked "We have 4 hours to kill, why get ready now?" Grimmjow shrugged his bulky shoulders, "Cause I wanna see you all dressed up!" I blushed and shoved him back. "You will don't worry." He laughed "I hope so." And with that we cuddled on my bed watching Avatar the Last Airbender until it was time to get ready.

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