Chapter 7

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Grimmjow grabbed my hand, looked at Ulquiorra and glared "Hear me out, there's no need to fight." He squeezed my hand and Ulquiorra tilted his head to the right. "What are you talking about?" Grimmjow let go of my hand and continued "Aizen thinks of him as a threat to our existence correct?" Earning a nod from the small man. "What if Ichigo joins the assassins?" My eyes widen. Ulquiorra thought for a second, "I would have to discuss it with Aizen, but you have to come with me. If I show up empty handed he'll rip me a new one." I looked at Grimmjow then back to Ulquiorra, "Fine." Grimmjow let go of my hand. I followed Ulquiorra out my window, jumping from roof to roof until we reached they're hideout. Grimmjow was right behind me, he led me inside and down a dark corridor. The power and bloodlust that filled the air was intoxicating. I bit my lip as the air became thicker and more intense. We reached a large door, Ulquiorra knocked "Come in." A low deep voice replied. He opened the door and a man with brown hair sat at the end of a large round table. There were multiple people along the sides which I assumed were other assassins. "Damn Grimmjow, he really is cute. No wonder you couldn't kill him." A talk man with long black hair chuckled. His tongue hung out of his mouth revealing a 5 tattoo. Grimmjow growled "Shut your trap Nnoi!!" The talk man held his hands up defensively. The man at the end of the table stood up and disappeared. I could barely follow him with my eyes as he reappeared in front of me. He placed one of his hands on my cheek and rubbed his thumb across my lips. I shoved his hand away and growled "Don't touch me." He smirked and turned to Ulquiorra, "Good work." He nodded "Thank you, but Grimmjow has a suggestion he would like to ask of you." The brown haired man turned towards Grimmjow. He jumped at the mans gaze "So what if Ichigo joined us? We wouldn't have to worry about him exposing us." The man thought and glanced at me, those eyes of his were full of bloodlust. He wanted to kill so bad, I know that look all to well. "Alright, but if you disobey me once, I'll have your head." I couldn't help but to smile my sadistic smile.

I ended up getting my first assignment and I was beyond happy. I get to kill and not hold back. While I was caught up in my thoughts of what I could do to my target, Grimmjow shoved me against the wall pulling me back to reality. He leaned by my ear and whispered "Your so hot Ichigo." I blushed. He licked my ear and trailed his tongue along my jawline, then connected our lips in a heated kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. We intertwined our tongues and fought for dominance but you all know who won. Grimmjow went to pull away but I refused, I caught his bottom lip between my teeth. He growled and smirked, I let go and whispered "I think we need to continue this somewhere else."  I glanced to the right and there stood that tall guy Grimm call Nnoi. He held a giant smirk across his face and Grimmjow glared at him "Damn, kitty's getting feisty." The guy slowly walked by with his hands in his pockets "I'm jealous." Grimmjow chuckled and stood straight up. "Ichigo, wanna check out my room?" I blushed and hung into him, "Of course.." I got up by his ear and whispered "Daddy." He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and growled "I'm gonna destroy you." I shivered. We let go of each other and Grimmjow dragged me down the hall to his room. He opened a door to reveal a clean bedroom. In the middle was a giant king sized bed, it had black sheets and a blue blanket. Grimmjow shut and locked the door behind us and immediately took me to the bed. He threw me down and pinned my arms above my head. With his free hand he ripped my clothes off. He smirked as he took in the sight before him, "Stop staring, destroy me already... Daddy." Grimmjows smirk grew even wider if that was even possible. Every touch, feeling and sensation all blended together. The night was a blur.

I woke the next morning and my ass was on fire. I frowned and opened my eyes, I stared at Grimmjow. My eyes widen at the sight before me, his face was emotionless, he looked so peaceful and his lips were slightly parted. I found myself smiling an actual meaningful smile. His eyes fluttered open and I blushed, his eyes were so beautiful. I never knew just how amazing they were, Grimm yawned "Mornin'." My blush darkened. I love his morning voice, it's deeper than normal and much more sexual. I bit my lip and noticed I was starting to get hard. I scooted away slightly so Grimm wouldn't feel my semi-hard cock touch him. He tilted his head and asked "What's wrong?" I shook my head "N-nothing." He smirked and got closer to me. Our faces were inches away and I closed the gap. Our lips connected in a slow passionate kiss. It wasn't like anytime before, this was different. I pulled away and smiled at him "Your so hot, you know that?" He smiled and nodded "Yeah but so are you." I giggled. I laid on my back facing the ceiling, Grimm sat up on one arm and looked over at me. "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" I looked at his concerned face. It was adorable and I nodded, "Yeah." He leaned over and got closer peering into my chocolate eyes. I scooted further away "Yes! I'm fine Grimm!" I fell off the side of the bed. I groaned in pain, I ended up landing on my ass which hurt like a son of a bitch. Grimmjow peaked over the side of the bed down at me. That's when I realized I was exposed. My semi-hard cock was visible to him. He licked his lips and chuckled "So that's what's up..." I blushed "Literally."

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