ix. Promise Me You Won't Be Mad

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Life was but a dream as I left the carriage and walked up to my front door. I couldn't get over what had happened. How could such simple words make me feel lighter than air? I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off my face. I heard every love song I had ever known playing in my mind and they all seemed to be written for her.

After much explaining, I was able to clear things up a little bit with Lara's parents. I could only hope I hadn't made too big a fool of myself. They seemed very understanding of the circumstances, Philippe in particular. Yet again, he gave me the impression that he knew more than he was letting on, but there was no time nor was there a reason to dwell on that now. She loved me - she kissed me! - and nobody could take that joy away from me.

I walked inside the house to find Papa in the kitchen washing dishes; he had seemingly had company as well. He turned around when I walked in and a smile spread across his face which immediately told me that I was about to be bombarded with questions about my evening.

"Well, you look absolutely giddy. I take it things went well for you tonight," he said. I could tell he wanted to mock me but I really couldn't care less. I wanted to tell him everything...and in that second, the full scope of the evening came into view. I had to explain her family relations to Papa. I knew there was only one way he would react, but knowing him, it would be easier to talk about the good things first.

"Well, there were developments," I replied, trying to dance around the subject as long as I could.

He scrunched his eyebrows together, clearly getting tired of waiting. "What kind of developments?" he queried.

"Both good and bad."

"Well then, let's start with what's making you smile so much." Thank god I was right and he had asked about the good things first. I still hadn't come up with a viable way to approach the subject of the bad news.

"Oh Papa, I don't think I have ever been this happy," I began, a warm feeling filling my chest as my mind went back to that beautiful moment when she kissed me. "She told me she loved me, and then she kissed me! Oh, now I understand how you must have felt with Mother. It's like the world just makes sense! I feel truly alive, like I've only been in some mundane version of reality this whole time."

He gave me a pained smile, but it was a genuine one nonetheless. I knew that bringing up Mother was a risky move, but I knew he would understand my feelings for Lara if I did. I hadn't been able to see their love in action, but I knew that my Mother had been the light of my Papa's life, and now I felt that very same love for myself.

"Yes my boy, it was just like that," he said quietly. "I'm very glad you found the woman who does the same for you."

"It was absolutely perfect," I said with a content sigh.

"Well, you've generated a rather contradictory statement for yourself, haven't you?" he asked as he laughed a little at how lovestruck I probably looked. "You also mentioned some bad developments. What would those be? Is everything alright?"

Dear lord, he just could not let things go! I should have known better. "Well, before I explain what happened...I need you to promise me you won't be mad."

"I promise nothing," he said simply, making me sigh. Again, I should really have known better at this point.

"Fine then. Lara is related to a certain family that neither of us are very fond of." I didn't want to say the name unless he said it first; it could easily be a trigger for him sometimes.

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