36. Friends in need and the exes you don't need

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You. Me. Us and then Nothing. Sometimes I can only think about the unfairness of it all. But then, that is life. Isn't it? ~ Alexandra.

36. Friends in need and the exes you don't need


After Alexandra ate whatever Leo had placed in front of her, she could finally sense a little bit of feelings returning to her numb body. But her heart, it still felt kinda void. Like there was only a hole in the place where it previously was.

And she didn't enjoy that feeling. Like something was gone. Like a part of herself was broken and permanently gone. She didn't like to be only half of who she was. That wasn't her better part.

How could she have let this happen to herself? 

I can, I can make myself whole again. Even without Logan. Even if he is a part of me, I can become whole without him.

She avowed to herself as she wore the pajama Leo had picked out for her and walked to the dining room with a determined step. She would not back down or back out. She could face all of this like a big, brave girl.

Of course, this was hurtful, but she knew who she was before Logan and of course, after him --she had to thank Logan for that, again, because he made her everything she could have ever become, he made it possible for her to find her true potential -- and she could survive it, survive losing Logan.

"Here, drink this." Leo handed her a mug filled with hot chocolate and she accepted it with a small smile as she sat down.

"Thanks. I am sorry to -"

"It is fine. You okay?"

"I don't know what I am. I just feel like everything is tilting and my head is spinning. I have nowhere else to go. But this doesn't mean-"

"I know, Alex. I know. So don't worry about what I think about this. This is one friend comforting another and nothing else. Okay?" He gave a comforting smile as she took a gulp of the rich hot chocolate. It was warm and everything she needed at this moment. So was he.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Come on, stop moping. It is not you. Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked with a cheerful smile on his face. She knew he was trying to pull her out of this morose pit, but it didn't work. She couldn't muster enough strength to even smile properly.

"I just want to sleep." She said feeble.

"Okay then. Go on and sleep it off. Maybe you should have the room facing the lake. That is your favorite view." He said as he grabbed the mug from her hands. "Alex, it will be alright, and I am not telling it to comfort you. I don't know what is going on with you two --I really hope it is not me who messed-"

"Don't worry, it is not you." She assured.

"If anyone can survive all of it, it will be you. Okay? You are strong and you are You."

"Can I just-" She stood up and hesitated. She wouldn't have hesitated before that kiss. It looked like he knew that as well. He gave her a shrug and opened his arms. Wide. Welcoming.

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