39. How to break the healed hearts

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I have been suffocating in my own brokenness for so long. You are the breath of fresh air I have always waited for, yet have never known. - Logan.


39. How to break the healed hearts


Alexandra and Stella sat in the overwhelming silence as they stared at the pregnancy kit in front of them, as if it was about to explode any moment now. Their eyes were glued to the words written across the plastic kit -- it was so harmless a word, yet it was also the sword staring straight at them.

Stella was twitching her fingers as she avoided looking at it and then inevitably her eyes would be drawn back to it. Like it was a magnet.

Alex's heart was a mess. She couldn't stop looking. It was as if her eyes were glued.

And she was so very afraid, so very angry.

She knew what it meant. It meant more Logan. It meant more pain of seeing him on daily basis and she could not...

She was a coward that way.

Of course, without interacting with him frequently, she could put his memories to rest, in a kind place in her heart. A place that wouldn't feel like twisting knife permanently stuck inside.

As years passed, he would mayeb fade into a sepia. This fond photograph people took out once in a while to look at, to reminisce. To feel the pang of nostalgia, but never the pang of hurt.

But seeing him over and over again, it would keep those memories in bright, vivid flash of colors. He would forever stay as the knife in her heart.

She didn't want that. She hadn't wanted this. 

Alex didn't know why this happened to her. Alex had even used the pills Stella once told she was also using and she used it regularly, because she knew the end was coming. And she didn't want anything to happen in between.She hadn't wanted to bring a soul into this broken world, in this broken way.


Why did this happen to me? Why me?

"Maybe it is a false positive?" Stella asked as she licked her lips. A drop of sweat drifted down her forehead and she wiped it away.

Alex chuckled wryly.

"Oh, I am sure it is not. Things like that don't happen to me." She said as she pushed the thing with one finger with a scrunched nose. "I used your damn pills."

"Maybe you forgot?"

"I don't remember ever forgetting it."

"Hmm." Stella mused. "What happened happened. So what are we going to do now?" Stella asked as she blinked harder and harder. Alex shook her head as she noticed her best friend's crazy eyes.

"No matter how hard you blink, it is not going to read anything other than positive. So, stop blinking, Stells."

"Do you want to keep it?" Stella hesitated for a bit as she asked it.

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