Broken Bones and Broken Hearts

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This has violence in it.

Lincoln was nearly home after a long day of school planning to buy a gift for one of his friends. You see...He said some things about her which she overheard which made him feel awful. 

"What should I get for Ronnie Anne?"Lincoln Said to himself as he carefully walked towards the front entrance before pausing. He felt like something horrible was going to happen to him if he walked into his house which only grew stronger once he ignored that feeling. Something that he will deeply regret once he spotted his older sister, Lori wearing her couple's sweater with mascara running down her face. She looked at him and started to narrow her eyes along with scowling at him.  

"You..." Lori Said before she picked him up by his shirt.

"Me?" Lincoln Said.

"Yes...You. Thanks to you...Bobby broke up with me." Lori Said.

"But I don't understand..." Lincoln Said.

"You said things about his sister and Bobby would never date anyone related towards someone so cruel enough to make his little sister cry." Lori Said before she threw Lincoln on the floor. Lincoln was dazed for a couple of seconds before he stared back at his sister which a look of fear. He knew that she was too controlled by rage and grief to know what she was doing and wanted to run away. A thought that quickly fell through when he noticed her eyes burning at his very soul.

"Wait...Ronnie Anne is Bobby's Sister?!" Lincoln exclaimed.

"She is and you insulted her!" Lori yelled. 

If you just let me to clarify some things then..." Lincoln stated before Lori cut him off.

"There's Nothing to clarify. You're going to help me get Bobby back." Lori Said.

"How?" Lincoln Asked with dread. He knew whatever she is planning wouldn't be good for him and was quickly proven right when she said the words:

By going on a double date.

"What?! I'm not going on a double date with you, Bobby and Ronnie Anne." Lincoln stated as he looked at her like Lori was insane. Ronnie Anne and him didn't need to go on a date to make things right besides they weren't even dating. Not knowing that his statement would cause Lori to do something that will break their family for months. 

"You do it or else." Lori said with threating tone as she reached over and grabbed the nearby floor lamp.

"No matter what you do...The answer is still no. I already plan to get Ronnie Anne a gift for what I said in the cafeteria. Besides Ronnie Anne and I are still friends...It'll be insanely awkward to go on a date." Lincoln Said before he felt the lamp hit him on the right side of his head drawing some blood on the floor.

"Did you hit me with a lamp?" Lincoln asked as he looked at his older sister like she was a monster.

"Do it." Lori said as she quickly raised it again ready to take a swing at her brother.

"Are you insane?! I clearly stated that I will not take Ronnie Anne to a double date and you hit me with a lamp." Lincoln said as his sister started to see red.

"DO IT!!" Lori shouted which only made Lincoln angry. Is Lori so into Bobby that she'll resort to violence just so she can get what she wants? He was sick of it and was ready to tell her off which would prove to be a mistake.

"No. I'm not going to go on a date with Ronnie Anne just because you said so. Besides I wonder why Bobby didn't break up with you sooner after all...His girlfriend is a psycho bitch." Lincoln Said. Lori's anger got the best of her and she started to beat Lincoln with the lamp. The carpet was being decorated with blood and she ignored the pleas and begging of her brother. Her sisters walked into the house just as Lincoln fell unconscious and the sound of her little sister, Leni shouting his name made her stop.

Lori was quickly shoved to the side as the rest of their sisters crowded around their brother's beaten and blooded body. They could tell that he had multiple broken bones and had lost a great deal of blood. 

"Linky. Wake up." Lola and Lana cried. The twins wanted to hug their big brother's body, but their little sister, Lisa stopped them. 

"Don't touch him..We can worsen his condition. We need to call for an ambulance and inform our parental units." Lisa Said. Luan nodded and quickly called 911 while Leni, Lynn and Luna looked at Lori with a mix of horror, disappointment and rage.

"Lori...What were you thinking?" Luna yelled.

"I..I.." Lori shuttered. She was starting to realize the true gravity of what she has done. She beat her own little brother for not obeying what she says and was now paying for everything that happened. 

"Well, Answer the question!!!" Lynn growled as she waited for her sister to answer.Only to stop once Leni placed her hand on her shoulder.

"We can ask Lori questions later. What's important now is to get Lincoln to the hospital and inform Mom and Dad. Once they arrive...We can ask Lori all the questions that we want." Leni Said. Lynn grumbled and complied as she quickly went towards the window so she could see the ambulance. Leaving Lori alone with Leni and Luna who were shocked and disgusted that she had the nerve to touch their little brother.

"Luna, Join Lynn at the window. We need to know when the ambulance arrives to take Lincoln." Leni Said. Luna opened her mouth to complain, but decided this was not the time. Not when her brother was on the floor with blood pooling around him. She quickly nodded and went to the window while also purposely bumping into Lori with a scowl on her face.

When Luna left, Leni looked at her older sister with a mixture of anger and disappointment. She hoped that Lori's reason to do this was good, but she knew that it had something to do with Bobby. She hated him since he managed to change her sister into the person that she was today. But she had more pressing matters than thinking about him. She had to look after her siblings and pray that her beloved brother would make it.

The time seemed to slow to a crawl before they could all hear the sounds of sirens coming their way. Signaling the countdown into Lori's redemption to her entire family.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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