Almost Arrested

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When the cops entered, the mood in the room started to change. Nobody wanted to say anything, but they knew that they had to say something about this incident to the cops. 

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Loud, the doctor notified us about the state of your son. And we'll like to say that we're sorry that something like this would happen to him." The first Officer Said. 

"Yes. It was unfortunate to have Lincoln injuried like this. If my daughters never showed up then he would've lost the ability to walk or even lose his life." Rita Said.

"So, your daughter's stopped the attacker from going further?" The second Officer Said.

"Yes." Lynn Sr. Said.

"So girls. Do you know who did this to your brother?" The first Officer Said.

"Yes...We do." Luna Said while glaring at Lori. The officers noticed the glare and started to raise their eyebrows on why she would be glaring at one of her own sisters.

"We need the name of the person who did this. So girls...Can you say the name of the person who committed this horrible crime on your brother?" The second Officer Said. Some of the girls hestitated when the second Officer Asked that question. Sure they were mad at Lori, but could they really tell on her to the cops. However the same couldn't be said for Lynn who was getting ready to answer the cops. She didn't want Lori to get away from what she did and also wanted to get some kind of revenge for her brother.

"It was Lori." Lynn Jr. said.

"Lori?" The first Officer Asked.

"Our older sister. She blamed him for ending her relationship with her long time boyfriend aka Bobby Boo Boo Bear...and tried to force him to go on a double date to make amends." Luna Said. The two officers looked at Lori who can only nervously smile while trying to play this off.

"Now Officers..Surely we can..." Lori started before the two officers glared at her for even suggesting that they can talk about this in private.

"Young lady...Do you have any idea what you've done to your brother?" The first Officer Said.

"I may have gone..a little overboard." Lori Said.

"A little? Young basically assaulted your brother and could he charged for attempted murder along with it." The second Officer Asked.

"Really?" Lori Asked.

"Yes...Really! Now Sir..Ma'am..Do you want to press charges against your daughter for what she did?" The first Officer Said.

Lynn and Rita quickly looked at each other and had a silent conversation with each other. While Lori stood there silently starting to realize the seriousness of what she did to her brother. Her sisters on the other hand watched this with mixed emotions. On one side...They wanted to see her pay, but on the other some thought that she was punished enough for her actions. 

"Officer, we made our decision." Rita said with confidence. She knew what they decided on was for the best and would give their daughter a chance to redeem herself.

"Yes Ma'am?" The second Officer Asked. 

"We won't be sending Lori to jail, but...if she tries something like this to anyone then you have my full permission to arrest her as you deem fit." Rita Said. When she stated that, Lori's blood ran cold. Her parents were giving the officers permission to arrest her if she went out of line. 

"Alright. Lori Loud be thankful that your parents decided not to press charges since you would've spent several years behind bars." The first Officer before he left along with the second officer.

"Mom! Why didn't you let Lori get arrested?" Luna asked. She was hoping that Lori would've been arrested for what she did to their brother. The rest were curious as well seeing that Lori would still be walking around them until she slipped up.

"We didn't let Lori get arrested since your father and I already punished her with more additions being added if we fell like she needs more. Besides we already have one child in the hospital and don't need to send another one of you away." Rita said.

"But..." Lola said.

"I know some of you disagree with this, but we couldn't handle having two kids far away from us. But that doesn't mean that she can do whatever she wants like she once did." Lynn Sr. said.

"I don't..." Lori started to say until her mother turned to glare at her eldest daughter.

"Don't try to lie to us young lady. Your sisters just told us how you forced them to do certain things just for a car ride. We even suspect that you haven't been doing a great job taking care of your siblings like your father and I ordered you to do. So when we get home, we are having a meeting about how well you did your job and how things will be before and after your little brother comes home." Rita said.

"Not to mention that you think that you can do whatever you want without consequences. This incident really opened our eyes to how flawed our parenting is and how much free reign we given all of you. We will talk about making changes to how things will work and will hopefully show you girls how you're supposed to act when you're an adult." Lynn Sr. said.

Lori only looked down and was silently thankful that her parents spared her from jail. Unaware about the darkness that will destroy everything that she cares about.

Author POV:

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Bye 👋 

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