Phone Call

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Italic-Rita Loud 


Bold w/Line- Ronnie Anne

Bobby. The name of Lori's "beloved" boyfriend. The boy who the Louds thought was the right choice for their daughter/sister. The boy who was connected to Lincoln's condition when he broke up with Lori. So when he called...The Louds were less than amused.

Ba...Lori. When are we going on the double date? 

When that question came made everyone of the Loud's blood boil. If he didn't break up with Lori then maybe...maybe Lincoln wouldn't have ended up getting bruised and battered with a lamp. So Rita answered the teenage boy with a stern tone.

Hello Bobby.

There was a pause on the other line of the phone when Rita said that. Bobby must have been surprised that his ex girlfriend wasn't answering the phone. Given how many times they spoke to each other on a daily basis. 

Mrs. Loud. Why do you have Lori's phone?

Lori couldn't say anything. Why would she? Her parents and sisters were mad at at her for her actions against her brother. So they would be angry at Bobby who started the incident in the first place. She cursed herself for beating her own brother up with a lamp, but knew that was nothing compared to the raw anger that was boiling through her sisters. 

That's not important to the current situation. What is important is that double date that the both of you arranged isn't going to happen.

B..But Mrs. Loud. Without it..How will Lincoln apologize to Nie Nie?

That reminds me...put your sister on the phone. I wish to speak to her as well.

Bobby left to get Ronnie Anne while Rita waited. She took that time to deeply breath in and out to calm her nerves. She was furious with Bobby who couldn't examine the situation before breaking up with her daughter. Besides it was time that her other daughters had a better example than her eldest. 


You must be Bobby's sister. I'm Mrs. Loud, the mother of Lori and Lincoln.

Hi...I'm Ronnie Anne

Nice to meet you Ronnie Anne. My son regrets what he said in the cafeteria earlier today and wanted to get you a gift to make up for it.

A gift? I thought that we were going to settle this with a double date.

A double date? Bobby, why do we need to go on a double date to make things right?

I see that you see the bigger picture than your brother. Anyway, Lincoln was involved in incident and won't be able to apologize for some time.

What do you mean by that?

I'm afraid that after your brother broke my daughter's heart, Lori decided to try and force Lincoln to go on a double date. When he refused, she started to bash his body up with a lamp and now he's in the hospital. 

Who cares about that. He still needs to apologize to my sister.

Bobby. Are you serious right now? Mrs. Loud just told us how Lincoln got severely injured by your CRAZY EX GIRLFRIEND!!

You brought that?  Lori would never do something like that? She's a good sister who would never hurt one of her siblings.

Oh...But she did. If she didn't then we wouldn't be standing here waiting for an update from the doctor about the full extent of Lincoln's injuries from being hit repeatedly by a lamp.

Bobby. You dated a complete pyscho.

Nie Nie...I'm sure it's a complete misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding? A misunderstanding?! What's there to understand? Lincoln is in the hospital due to your crazy ex girlfriend's actions. I actually thought that you breaking up with her was an over reaction, but it turns out that breaking up with her was a good call since she picked up a lamp and hit Lincoln all over his body.


Let me stop you right there Bobby. At first, we thought that you were a good influence on our daughter. But now we see that your relationship is extremely unhealthy.

What do you mean by that?

You constantly texted and called our daughter all through your relationship and had her control your every decision. Not to mention that you keep making excuses for her when we just told you that she injured her baby brother for refusing to go on a double date.

That's not true..I

Bobby. It's time to face the facts. You were dating a controlling manipulative woman who handled everything about your relationship. Someone who also placed my friend in the hospital all over some choice words that he said while hanging out with other boys. Sure It hurt, but Lincoln must have been pressured to say those things or something.

Bobby...Listen to your sister. She's the only one who seems to have a clear head on the situation. Hopefully you'll realize that how unhealthy your relationship was. But until then, we don't want to see you around our house or our other daughters. 

Rita ended the phone call and looked at her daughter in disappointment. She had an incredible future ahead of her. But now, she doesn't know how great of a future that her daughter had anymore. Before she could comment on it, she noticed the doctor come in with a grim expression on his face. 

Which started a serious of events that would rock Lori's world.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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