The Son of Doctor Kuseno

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Doctor Kuseno stepped out of the clean room as he pulled off his latex gloves with a snap, throwing them in the bin he kept beside the door to the ‘surgery’ suite.

Outside, on the sofa, Saitama lay fast asleep.

Doctor Kuseno walked over to the little kitchen he had had installed outside the repair room, once Saitama had started bringing Genos back for emergency repairs.  A little pot of coffee had been made and forgotten but was still warm.  Pouring himself a cup, he turned to look at the sleeping hero.

He had not believed Genos when he had first started speaking of his new teacher.  But Kuseno was a smart man.  He watched the news and more importantly, he had watched Saitama with Genos and was more than able to put two and two together.  Sipping his coffee, Kuseno finally made his decision.  He set his coffee down and opened the little cupboard door underneath.  He had left it here months ago, knowing that if he ever found the nerve, this little make-do kitchen was his best chance to use it. 

“Ah.  Here it is.”

Not having meant to speak out loud, he turned around and ensured himself that Saitama was still fast asleep.

Standing, vial in hand, he poured the coffee out and made a fresh pot.
Pausing for a moment, he turned to look at the hero once again.  Genos would be awake soon.  If he didn’t do this now, then he might not get another chance for a long time.
Doctor Kuseno went back to making the coffee, trying to ignore how his hands were shaking.

“Saitama?  Saitama?”

Saitama yawned and opened his eyes, Kuseno standing over him with two mugs of coffee.  “Hey!”  He sat up quickly.  “How’s-“

Kuseno looked down on the hero, a smile on his face.  “Genos is fine, my lad.  If you hadn’t got him here in time, it might have been a different story.”  He passed a mug over to Saitama.  “I don’t quite know how that shrapnel pierced through the edge of his core housing without damaging the core itself, but it did cut one of the connecting optic cables.  If you hadn’t of got him here in time, I dread to think what the outcome for poor Genos would have been.”

Kuseno took a sip of his fresh coffee, watching Saitama stretch and yawn.


Kuseno nodded.  “I performed some routine maintenance while he was out of it.  Just while I had the chance.”

“Good.  He doesn’t look after himself well enough.  I keep saying to him, but you know how he is.  Always putting others before himself.”

“Exactly.”  Kuseno breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Saitama finally drink from his mug.  “Sometimes,” Kuseno reached out and gave Saitama a friendly pat on the knee.  “He can be too careless with his own well-being and, although I’m not his father, I care for him like a son.”  Kuseno rubbed at his eyes, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with guilt for what he had just done; for all he had not shared with Genos.  He looked up sharply at Saitama.  “I would go to any length to ensure his well-being.  Would you, Saitama?”

“What?  Would I look after Genos?”  Saitama didn’t have to fake the puzzled look on his face.  “I brought him straight here.”

Kuseno shook his head.  “Look, my boy.  I’m not getting any younger, and I feel I have a right to know.  Do you care for Genos?  In any shape or form?  More than just a flat-mate you put up with?  I know how he asked you if he could stay with you.  He can lack in the social graces somewhat.  I also know you don’t really teach him a whole hell of a lot.”

Kuseno set his mug down and reached out, taking both of Saitama’s hands in to his own.  Much to Saitama’s discomfort.
“I believe I see more affection in your eyes than you would care to admit to.  So, tell me, between you and me.  Do you hold any, any at all, honest affection for my son?”  Kuseno could feel himself growing a little frantic, guilt and worry eating at him.  “Tell me…”

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