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I danced about my kitchen as I cleaned up my apartment. I had my music up loud, despite the fact that it was 10PM on a Tuesday night.

I continued on, dusting and sweeping, washing dishes and folding laundry. I kept the music loud. That is until around 11, when someone knocked on my door.

I thought it was strange, my neighbors never seemed to care about the noise I might make at night. I get along well with them, they know I'm a night owl. I turned the music off anyway and shuffled to my front door. I swung it open quickly, and standing in my doorframe was the person I least expected.

I gasped in shock, covering my mouth with my hand.


"Hello, neighbor," he smiled. "Long time no see."

I could see the evil in his eyes as he spoke. The man who practically ruined my life. The man I thought I got away from forever.

I went to close my door, and he stopped it with his foot immediately. "What? We can't talk?" He asked, walking into my apartment.

He took a seat on my couch, and I couldn't get myself to move away from the door.

"Come, sit with me." He waved me towards him.

I walked slowly, my head hanging low, refusing to make eye contact.

"Nat, I'm not going to do anything crazy. I just want to chat. I want to catch up. I still love you, you know."

I couldn't bring myself to sit on the same couch as him. I stood next to the couch, still refusing to look up.

"Listen, Matthew, it's late, and I, um, should really be getting to bed soon-"

"Darling," he cut me off, "don't be so awkward around me! How've you been?"

"How did you find me?" I finally looked at him.

"Your friends told me you moved to Oregon. It wasn't that hard to find a woman named Natalina. Thank God you have a unique name! Imagine trying to find a woman named Emily in the entire state of Oregon." He laughed. "I've missed you, you know."

"I can't say the same for you. Please, get out." I replied, trying my hardest to seem confident.

He got off the couch and walked towards me, and I began to back away.

"My darling, Natalie. You do know I'd never hurt you again, right?"

"Matthew, I'm begging you. Leave. Please." I said, looking him straight in the eyes.

He nodded. "As you wish. I really don't want you to be afraid of me, Nat. It's not such a crazy idea, right? To follow the love of your life wherever they may go? I'll let you be, though. I know you'll come back around." He smiled, walking towards the door. "You always do. I love you." He said, leaving my apartment.

I didn't know how to react. I rushed to my door, locking it. I was shocked, I was confused. I was terrified. I don't love that man. I don't think I ever actually loved that man. I picked up my phone, texting Will quickly and asking him to come over, then ran to the bathroom and started dry heaving.

I sat down next to the toilet after emptying every possible substance in my stomach out. I heard a knock at the door again, and I froze.

"Nat? It's me!" I heard Will call from the other side.

I breathed a sigh of relief, walking to the door and ushering him in quickly.

"Woah, you okay?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry, I know it's late and we work in the morning but I couldn't be alone and I'm fucking terrified and I need to look for a new-"

"Nat, calm down." He said, letting go of me and grabbing my hand. "Explain." He said, leading me towards the couch.

"No, I don't want to sit there!" I cried.

"Okay, okay. Hey, you're okay." He said, hugging me again. "Want to sit on your bed?"

I nodded, walking with him towards my room.

"He's here, Will."

"Who? Who's here?" He asked me as I paced around my bedroom.

"Matthew." I said, looking him in the eyes. "He fucking tracked me down. He found me, Will! He moved into this fucking building!"

Will's eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his hands.

"Holy shit, Nat."

"Yeah, holy shit. I need to move the fuck out of here but I still have 3 months left of my lease."

"What happened? Did he come here?"

I explained the story of what happened not even an hour ago.

"I don't know why I'm so upset," I shook my head, looking away from Will. "I mean, it's not like he'd ever do something to me. It's just terrifying that he moved all the way across the country just to follow me."

"You have every right to be upset, Nat. He's stalking you. Can't you file a restraining order or something?"

I chuckled. "I've tried that. Twice, actually. He threatened to kill himself both times."

"Jesus. He's fucking crazy."

I nodded my head in agreement. Will stayed the night with me, sleeping on my - now contaminated - couch. He woke me up around 8am, as we had to be at work at 9.

I woke up in a terrible mood. What's to be expected? I hate waking up early, I slept for maybe four hours, and my psychotic ex boyfriend is down the hall doing God knows what.

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh, great! I've never felt better! Best day of my fucking life!" I said sarcastically as we climbed into Will's car.

"Uh-oh. Natalina the morning monster has arrived." He chuckled.

"Funny." I mumbled, picking at my nails.

We arrived at work soon, getting there right on time. I walked directly to the back, locking my stuff in my locker and tying my apron, not looking a single coworker in the eyes. Work went by slowly  It wasn't very busy, and I didn't talk to anyone much. I think "Hi, how are you? What can I get for you? Sure thing, that'll be blank dollars and blank cents. Have a great day!" were the only words that came out of my mouth for four hours.

I was in the back, collecting my stuff and getting ready to take lunch when I heard that dreaded voice.

"Is Natalie here?"

My eyes widened as I heard Will say, "let me go check."

Will came to the back and found me. "Is that him?" He asked when he saw my reaction. I nodded quickly, and he hurried back to the front.

"Sorry, sir. She's gone on lunch break and she's not feeling well today. She might go home early, I think. I can write a message if you'd like?"

"Just tell her Matthew popped by." He said, then exited the shop.

Will hurried back to the back. "Are you okay?"

"No." I said, walking past him to go lock myself in the bathroom.

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