Beerus x Humanoid Cat! Female! reader

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       Whomever had requested this will have to come up since when I was editing this, I didn't put their name on there, so I'll have to fix it when I find the requestor.


~2nd POV~

        Bulma invited you to her birthday party, which was no surprise ever since you saved Trunks a while back when he wandered off by himself. At the time, you only did it so that he would get out of your woodland and back to his 'human' population. You absolutely despised humans after their constant mistreatment and segregation to your race.

      And the funny thing is--you are one of the rare humanoids that looks more 'human' than 'feline.' You had no cat snout, no fur, and no paws. What you did have were cat ears, a rich smooth tail, slit eyes, and black claws. Which all can be easily hidden by clothing and contacts, but you'd rather not to.

     After the incident with Trunks, he brought you to his mother, almost prideful that you trusted him enough to be brought to his home. It took you longer to trust her with her short temper and sassiness, but things eventually worked out and you became more inviting.

      You looked up at the mirror, seeing your slit eyes follow the reflection. You fixed your hair for the final time and scratched the back of your ear. It was about time to leave; you took a deep breath and exhaled, already feeling anxious about the party.

      You placed two claws on your forehead and closed your eyes. 

     You felt nausea hit the pit of your stomach as soon as you arrived, you opened your eyes to be greeted with lively greens and rows of fresh steamy food. But it wasn't hard to notice the throng of people that roamed there.

     You clenched your hands tightly, feeling the darkness of your heart rise. But swallowed it down and looked around for any sight of Bulma.

        You caught sight of her at a table, talking to two unique people. One had a blue tint in his skin color and a large white fro on his head, his counterpart could almost be mistaken as your race. Skinny purple body, large cat ears, a snout; but you knew too well that he wasn't even close to what you were.

You strode over to the group, feeling your heart hammer in nervousness as you got closer.

"Y/N!" Bulma shrieked and jumped in your arms.

You stood there unfazed and quietly patted her back as she squeezed you to death.

     Your tail swished from behind you when you caught the smell of your favorite food, Bulma decided to finally let you go to introduce you to the strangers.

"Y/n, this is Whis and Lord Beerus," she said, first pointing at the blue man scarfing down a pudding cup. Then pointed at the purple sphynx staring intently at you.

"Come here," Beerus stated and curled his finger at you.

"No," you said.

Whis snorted.

"Excuse me?" Beerus sneered. You stared at him.

       Bulma giggled nervously and attempted to distract Beerus with a plate of food in her hands. It worked almost instantly as he turned away and brought his attention to what's in front of him.

        Beerus devoured the mountain of food like he never ate a scrap in his eternal life. You were hungry as well and trotted off for anything to munch on. You grabbed a plate and proceeded to get what you wanted.

        You paced around for a place to sit and enjoy your food, but it all was occupied by people Bulma invited. You pondered about taking the food and leaving or head off to the woods for some silence.

You decided the woods was the best choice.

     Beerus peeked at you from the half-eaten pudding cup, watching you enter the woods made him feel uneasy and cold. He looked at Whis but decided to stay silent and continue eating.

     You sat near a tree and picked at your food, your tail occasionally swishing behind you. It only took a couple of minutes for you to finish the plate, but a deep growl halted you from doing anything.

     You looked up, not disturbed at all to see a large lion in front of you. Baring its teeth and ready to pounce.

"Where did she go?" Beerus asked and jabbed his thumb towards the woods.

"She usually eats there to have some peace," Bulma said nonchalantly.

      There was a loud booming roar, the bass shaking the ground so violently that Whis dropped his ice-cream cup. He frowned.

Without a word, Beerus flew up and shot towards the area in a hurry.

      You felt a pain in your back when you dodged another attack. You were bleeding profusely but the wound didn't bother you enough to hinder your movements.

The lion growled lowly and pounced again, you swished to the side causing the over-sized lion to tumble.

"Catch me if you can!" you laughed.

     The lion pounced at you again and again, but each time you dodged it and laughed at it like it was child's play. Beerus continued to watch as you kept laughing, ignoring that your whole back was now a bloody mess.

"Awe come on little kitty!~" you grinned. "The fun isn't over."

     The lion now knowing it will never win, attempted to escape. But you teleported in front of it every time it turned to run. You pointed at the lion, a dark red ki forming at the tip of your nail.

     When you were expected to obliterate the lion, you booped its nose instead and let it scramble away.

"That was quite a show," Beerus said, catching you by surprise.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone about, that?"

Beerus chuckled, "You can't stop me, little kitten."

Your ears perked up, "Little...kitten?"

Beerus rolled his eyes and teleported to your side, "Let's go to Whis, you idiot."

    You shrugged your shoulders and followed Beerus out of the woods, so nonchalant that you were bleeding to death that it even shocked him.

"What happened?!" Bulma shrieked.

You answered, "I played a little too rough."

"You mean get attacked by that pesky cat? Yeah, definitely playing rough," Beerus mumbled.

"Oh, dear! You look hurt!" Whis gasped, but you shrugged.

"Eh," you said.

"Eh!? What kind of reaction is that?!" Beerus shouted.

"She's weird like that," Bulma added.

Whis cleared his throat, "Anyway---lets fix you up."

With a swirl of his staff, the gashes were all gone; but the blood was still there and dripping.

"Looks like you murdered a whole town with a plastic knife," Beerus curled his nose.

You innocently chuckled.

"Well, it's time for us to go, Lord Beerus," Whis stated with a look at his staff.

Beerus groaned.

"Oh! You want to stay?" Whis smirked.

"NO! Get me off this infected planet!"

   You cocked your head to the side, Beerus was caught off guard and turned away. Covering his face.

"Bye Beerus!" you piped.

"Bye, kitten."

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