Beerus x Goddess of Death! Female! reader x Whis

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I was inspired to do this one after watching Corpse Party. 


~2nd POV~

     You are a Goddess--but not one to be prayed to or hoped upon a wish. To make a balance between Gods and overpopulation, you were bestowed with the title of Goddess of Death. Nobody stood in your path of havoc, not even the ones who held the highest power could beat you.

         But even then you had subordinates; reanimated dead children. You found them years after your entitlement, slaughtered on a farm with their souls still lingering even after their death. Seeing this as a perfect show, you offered to take them away. Away from the torture and pain.

      Now you have three dismembered children as your servants, all were surprisingly willing to bend to your will when you reanimated them. One was a petite black girl, bottom jaw ripped off and glazed eyes shoved in her throat. You named her Cress.

      Then there was the small ginger boy, paled skin, and dark freckles on his cheeks. But what was distinct about him is his stomach, a large heap of hanging organs. Which strangely reminded you of jambalaya. You named him Oscar.

          The last was the younger girl, her identity a bit confusing since half of her head was gone; upper lip and above were all missing. All she had was her bottom jaw and lengthy tongue, licking over her uncleaned teeth. You named her May.

        These children were known as the little devils of yours, but you refused to call them that. You'd rather call them your little helpers.

      No matter if you were a lot stronger than them, a single swipe of your finger and millions are dead, you enjoyed watching them tear people and creatures apart. A little fiasco of blood, guts, and glory. You'd only play along if you need to, favoring watching the bloodbath more than participating.

"Miss! I found a planet!" Cress, the black girl with the missing jaw, had squealed. For a moment you almost forgot you gave her the power to speak, it was a little starling seeing her tongue bounce as she talked.

"What did you find?" you asked, curious but also excited about the next planet to massacre.

"Earth! It flourishes with life!" Cress exclaimed.

You nodded your head and smiled, "Go get the other kids, it's time we finally head out."

      Cress smiled. Well, the way her eyes scrunched gave you the notion she was smiling. She ran off to get the other kids.

     You peered in the plasmic orb, and peeked down at this so-called 'Earth.' It was all littered with large green trees and shrubbery, which somehow didn't discolor as your trees did.

      Then you saw humans, walking to the shoreline onto a large boat. There were about a hundred people that boarded the boat if you guessed correctly. That excited you.

"Are we going to Earth?!" May laughed. Ah, yes. She definitely needed your power.

"Yes, now, don't you see that? That's holding a lot of people, Oscar, go find the location."

     Oscar nodded and with a wave of his hand-- a blue plasma ball appeared before his feet, he peered in the ball and hummed a few times.

"They're in the Atlantic!" he announced.

"Then that's where we go, let's hurry on, children," you grinned.

      They all huddled together, squealing in excitement when you placed a hand on top of their heads. Well, for May she clung on the rest so she wouldn't be left out.

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