Yandere! Jiren x Office worker! Fem! Oc {Part 1}

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Written by: Almind_Juice_14 (my secondary writer)

They came up with this :) Also their writing is so good with their vocabulary, that I question how they're not famous.

Also the Oc's name is Venus.


"Did you just flip me off!?" Venus yelled at her co-worker. 


      Lute laughed loudly, his hands clenching his abdomen while Chello rolled her eyes and proceeded working on her computer. The day was Valentine's Day, to some it was a day to show affection to loved ones or confess. But for Venus, Lute, Chello, and many employees it was just another day of work, nothing special.

 That is if you were the higher ups, for them it was another excuse to have a party and drink away the evening. But for Venus she was slightly happy today was Valentines. For one it was a Friday, and it was technically the last Friday she'd have at this rather boring office job. Because after this Friday, Venus now made her opportunity to follow her dreams spanning from her young years become a reality.

 From her younger years, spending time dressing dolls and sewing patches of fabric. Venus always loved having the feeling of fabric between her fingers and a needle and string between her lips. From that passion she mustered the inner courage to ask a nearby and pretty well known clothing company that employed young employees and spark their creativity to make the next fashion brand.

        Of course this wasn't easy, the company was also known to be very picky when it came to new recruits. But when Venus came home to her studio apartment, seeing Sage standing right in-front of the door, acceptance letter in hand. Venus jumped up, then did an ugly cry. It had been a stressful few weeks for her, but seeing her being accepted made all those late nights worth it. 

      But on another topic, Venus's stress, that was something else entirely. Her office job at the seventh sector (who's lead CEO, Beerus, was primarily known for his long vacation breaks) wasn't particularly stressful. Venus, alongside a few coworkers and friends worked in the smaller areas, mostly doing public related work like putting playgrounds and funding. It wasn't anything remarkable really, but it was something. So having the last few months to almost an entire year of stress, was an anomaly in it of itself.

 You see, Venus had this weird nagging feeling like...someone was following her. It was usually subtle cues, the faint tapping of feet, the odd feeling of being glared intensely at.

    Venus by no means was a shy girl, she was blunt and never truly afraid of speaking her own thoughts. She was also accustomed to the feeling of being watched by an audience, even by her own higher ups it never made her to nervous. Yet this, this was something that greatly bothered her. Venus never entertained the idea of having a stalker, it's just something about it she hates.

     She hated the idea of having her own personal and private space intruded, intentional or not. But as time went on, it seemed like that was the only conclusion, but as said before, this was her last Friday. What was there to worry about?

 "Oh come on Lute! Can't you have the slightest audacity to be mature!?" Venus yelled once more and shoving a laughing Lute out of his desk.

 "H-Hey can't you just take one simple joke?"

 Venus stood up from her seat, hands on her hips, "Yes I can, but yours was simply terrible," She said and sat down on her chair.

 Lute got up from his slouched position and sat upright, facing his monitor.

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