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~Third person POV (unless specified) ~

"Cooties Larry? What are we back in 4th grade?" Ash laughed softly and crossed her arms.
"Yes. Cooties. You have cooties and I don't want to get anymore then you've already given me." Larry snickered softly and tilted his head.
"I will fucking show you cooties!" Ash shouted as she pounced back on the bed towards Larry, grabbing him and wrapping her arms around.
Larry laughed and tried to get away from her. "Stopppp I don't want your gross girly germs!" He snickered softly.
Ash chuckled softly and shook her head. "Welp, you're getting them anyway Lar-Bear." She said as she wrapped her arms tighter around his.
"Ewwww." Larry chuckled as he tried to push her off, almost causing the both of them to fall on the floor. "Come on Ash. Let go of meeee."
Ash giggled softly and looked him in the eye. "No."
"No? What do you mean no?" Larry asked, laughing softly.
"You heard me. No."
"What do I have to do to get you to release me?" Larry chuckled softly.
Ash tilted her head to think. "Hmm... I don't know. I'd have to think about it."
"Oh come on." Larry groaned. "How about you think about it while letting me go?"
"Fine. But I'll think of something." Ash chuckled softly as she let go of him.
Larry snickered and slid off the bed, sitting on the floor beside it. "Thank you."
Ash knocked on his forehead gently. "You're such a dork."
"I know." Larry said softly and smiled up at her.
Ash blushed softly and quickly leaned forward, pecking Larry on the lips quickly before getting up. "Ok! I'll see you later Lar!" She shouted as she ran out of the room.
Larry raised an eyebrow, slightly confused with what had just happened. He smiled softly and looked up at the ceiling. "Gross. Now I got cooties." He chuckled to himself as he felt his face start to warm up.

Hugs and Kisses (AshxLarry)Where stories live. Discover now