The tale of He and She

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My first story on a sensitive subject like this in my poetic form. Inspired by some of Bill's @billtemple1957 story's in his poetry form.

She sits alone
in the classroom
her classmates
avoiding her like the plague

am I that ugly?
am I that stupid?
she asks her self daily
answers always yes
the voices saying so
her worst enemy

try as she might
the voices never receding
enough is enough
she tells herself
I can't take this no more
on the verge of giving up
she was close to taking
the plunge

day and time set
plans in action
notes written and
sent out

school finished
she was going to do it
walking to the bridge
hands on the rail

a young boy
sat there looking
he was in her class
she payed no mind
to her then and she
wouldn't now
no one cared for her
why try now

he walked up to her
and hugged her
though her protests
he held firm
eventually she stopped
absorbing warmth in his hold
her walls breaking
she let it out
all of it

letting go
he moved to the
bench near
she followed like
a puppy
not wanting him to leave
no words spoken between
though he sat down
pat his leg
she laid on his leg
letting it out

he shushed her
sending warm vibes
her way
her cries dulled slowly
he started humming softly
eventually she slept
with a thought
someone does actually care

He was glad he was there
a force told him to be there
he picked her up
carried her home
by now her parents
would have read the notes

a knock on the door
carrying her in his arms
parents open the door
nearly bawl at the sight
he shushed them
indicating she was alive
sleeping still

he took her to her room
laid her down
covered her up
and fell asleep
on a seat in the room
not leaving her side

morning arose
they waking same time
she whispered softly
he smiled
"Thank you"
"My pleasure"
he replied
"A friend I am now
rely on me
trust me
I have a shoulder free
if you wish to cry again
an ear always open
to listen
you and I
are friends."
he walked to her
and held her hand
looking her in the eyes
as he said so

"Thank you."
she whispered
hugging him

year passed
they never leaving sides
growing on each other
siblings from another mother
texting talking calling all the time
the voices faded
her darkness left
a truly beautiful sight
was in front of him
seeing the real beauty
seeing life in her
he was happy

together they were friends forevermore
though a hint of love between the two
living happily they did
forever and forever

October 10th, 2019

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