Memories lost (BillTemple1957)

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It's not about the moments we've lost
or the pain of paying the cost
it's about the lessons learned

experiencing everything and nothing
learning then and now
wont make same mistakes twice

mistakes are what mold us
experience what told us
they must not be spurned

we always remember
in the filing cabinet of memories
we look back constantly at previous mistakes

but we can't live on memories
and if we want to truly be free
we have to look ahead, not take a backward turn

though the ghosts may haunt us
let them in the graveyard lay
the future untold to us

let the headstones fade
the price we have paid
let us have the future we have earned

Thank you for collaborating with me Bill BillTemple1957 for it is truly an honor to work with you. Alas, I have thanked you so many times since meeting you but again I thank you one more time for everything you have done and taught my friend. (:

Written: October 9th, 2019
Posted: October 13th, 2019

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