Our Acrostic Journey into the Unknown continues with Rapidly

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Reaching out I knocked over my coke, there were bright flashes and bangs
Alert and ready, I didn't want to be taken to jail today
Police, fire engine and ambulance sirens blare, they're coming to take me away
I went to my window and saw them all crowded around the bottom floor, leaving me with no possible escape
Don't know why I find this straight jacket surprisingly comfortable, it makes me feel at home
Lying in my bed, if I was going to jail might as well enjoy the comfort of a soft bed while I can
Yes, Doctor, yesterday the patient was a thief, today an arsonist, who knows what tomorrow brings, your diagnosis of Schrizoaffective Disorder, seems in order

October 17th, 2019
A acrostic collaboration with NehpetsEnal

Unsaid Thoughts (Volume 2) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now