Chapter 2

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Lannans Pov:

I can't believe that I got a girl fired for being a fan. I feel so guilty, so upset. I've got a surprise for her when we get to my house. She's going to be really excited.

We get to my house."Woah! I've seen it in the videos but I didn't imagine it was this big." Jessica tells me. We enter the house and my dog, Willeh, runs to us."He's so much cuter in person!" Jessica says."Hey I'm right here!" I say jokingly. We go to my lounge and turn on the television. I walk to the kitchen and microwave the pizza I left last night.

I grab two bottles of beer and bring them into the lounge with the pizza."I can't have beer, I'm nineteen." Jessica tells me." I'll keep an eye on you, also you can have your first drink with your favourite youtuber!" I exclaim, laughing. Jessica opens her beer and takes a sip."OH FUCK, IT BURNS!" She shouts. I laugh. I wasnt making fun of her because I related.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask her. She nods her head and asks."Can we watch a horror? It's just I love horrors. They give me some thrill that life doesn't." Jessica asks. I find some horrors and let her pick one while I go close the curtains, turn off the lights and grab us a blanket. Jessica picks 'The conjuring' I liked this movie. It had the same amount of horror and thrills.

The movie starts and we were in the dark room. We cuddled up in the blanket. I slowly felt Jessica's leg touch mine, which gave me a little fright each time. We have finished the movie and Jessica's asleep, leaning her head on my shoulder. I picked her up and carried her to my room with the blanket wrapped around her.

I put her down on my bed and clean up downstairs. I eat two slices of pizza and throw the rest away. I only did that because there was one slice left. I turned off the TV and walked back up to my room. I look to see she's still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up so I set up a body pillow and a blanket on my sofa.

"Lannan?" I hear her call behind me."When did I get here, was I sleepwalking again!" She rubs her eyes."You fell asleep before the movie ended so I carried you up here." I explain to her, sitting next to her on the bed."Did you use those big muscles of yours?" She asks, rubbing her finger in circles on my chest. I didn't want any other weird silence so I pulled her on to me and started kissing her.

Jessica's Pov:

Lannan started kissing me. I haven't kissed anyone since I was sixteen. I had broken up with a boyfriend after an argument and decided to keep my head in work. Lannan licked my bottom lip, Asking for access to my mouth. I open my mouth slightly to feel his tongue hit mine. He started to take off my top. I opened my eyes and started crying.

Lannan notices and pulls away."What is it, are you ok?" Lannan said, wiping his lips."No, when I was sixteen I was raped and I haven't done 'stuff' since then. I'm scared." I explain to him with a face full of tears."Nothing bad will happen but if you don't want to then I can't make you." Lannan tells me."I've got to go!" I tell him, running out. When I get to the bottom of the stairs all I can remember was blood and darkness.

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