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Eryn was a little wary about playing anything Tony Stark suggested, especially twenty questions as that would allow them to get to know her more and they quite possibly would never let her go.

Eryn felt very conflicted of her feelings over her mates. Now that she's met them, she craves their attention and their presence. However, her need to keep them from feeling her pain is strong and keeps her from wanting to become closer to them.

Seeing the conflict on her face, Natasha reassured her saying "Don't worry, we won't let things get out of hand, right, Stark?" before glaring at Tony.

Tony looked mock offended at Nat's words and jokingly put a hand to his chest saying, "Things get out of hand? Me? Never! But don't worry, sweetheart, we just want to get to know you."

Eryn looked at all of their hopeful faces and eyes full of longing and sighed. She decided she was just gonna take the leap of faith and see where it goes. After all worrying never really did her any good.

"Okay, we can play, but after pizza," Eryn bargained.

She was still hungry after all. She didn't even get to eat lunch!

The Avengers all visibly relaxed after her words, they were tense knowing she didn't quite accept them yet, and her agreement to play the game let them know she was that much closer to accepting them. It also helped that Eryn wasn't tense in their presence anymore and she seemed a lot happier and more peaceful.

They all smiled at her as Steve asked her what type of pizza she wanted while proudly pulling out his phone to show the others he did - in fact - know how to use modern technology.

Tony looked like he was gonna make a smartass comment, but Eryn interrupted him before he could speak by telling Steve she wanted pepperoni pizza. She wanted Steve to feel accomplished and happy and Tony was gonna ruin that if he opened his mouth.

Tony pouted at having missed the opportunity to tease Steve, but Nat and Bruce we're trying to hide their laughter and Clint was just full out snickering at him in the corner. Eryn thanked Steve and noticed Happy was having a hard time not smiling in the drivers seat.

Eryn sat back in her seat and just watched everyone be happy around her with a small smile on her face. Maybe, just maybe, this could work out.

The MARVELOUS Adventures of Eryn Maxwell (HIATUS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora