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"Have you ever seen any Magyk?" Nightwatcher inquired.

"No, what is it?"

"Magyk is a force that runs through all living things, the kind of Magyk found inside is called Gyre (guy-ray) it takes many years and lots of patience to control it, mostly it comes in short bursts, triggered by strong emotion."

"What happens then?"

"Anything really, say your caught in a net, this is some kind of danger below, you are being lowered down ever so carefully, if your scared enough, the ropes might snap, you might even get temporary intangibility."

"Intans-what?" You are cufuzzled.

"It means you pass through things."

"Are there different types beside Gyre?" You ask

"Oh sure, there's good Magyk like Fyre, Wynter, Spryng, Ayr, Foryst, lyghtning, and spyryt," Nightwatcher answers.

"What are those?"

"Fyre is a more uncontrollable one, very hard to master, they give the wielder power over fire. Wynter is eaqually powerful, except with wintery stuff, snow, ice, etc. you kind of get it right?"

"I think so," You say.

"Spyryt it a bit different, This is the kind I delve in, I can easily access Glamora, I purge souls of bad luck, I speak all the different tonges of the forest. I can look into another's mind, sift through memories. See if anything has possessed them recently. This is the hardest to master, an easier form of Spyryt is Physyk, similar, but far less powerful."

"I once heard my mother say something about dark Magyk." you say.

"Ah yes, there are far less kinds of that Magyk, Darke only consists of one type Shadowe, like a Darke version of Spyryt, it allows the user to bring souls up from the dead, possession, these Magyk users are often referred to as Necromancers, best not to trifle with that side."

You yawn. "I'm tired, and hungry."

"Here's a tiny little vole, take it go off to bed, we have a very important visitor coming." He says


"My grandson."

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