By The Stars

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You're walking around, sniffing at herbs, poking at weird objects. There's not much light leading in the tunnel ahead, it's been three days since you're last question. Nightwatcher is outside, looking up a the starry sky. You quietly sit down beside him, there are lots of stars tonight. All of a sudden one shoots across the sky, Nightwatcher chuckles.

"That's my Antonio, always a show off." He whispered sadly.

"What do you mean?" You asked him.

He sighed, suddenly looking as old as time itself. "You know about Glamora right?"

"No," You shake your head.

"Well, Glamora is the place all creatures go when they die, I have two children, my daughter, Arietty, who now has kits of her own, and my son Antonio, who sadly, was slain in battle, that was him."

"How do you know?" You question.

"Call it a father's intuition, I just know, come on." He walked back inside.

"Can you talk to claws up there?"

"Sometimes, if they let you, some will send prophecies, like the one I told you earlier, that one was given to me by Excelsior, a long dead claw from the end of the Golden age, when Serrano was Cheif."

"Are they're other prophecies?" You ask.

"Mostly already fulfilled" He answers.

"What if a claw is bad?" You inquire.

"That doesn't really matter, but there is is Heimsmire, the land of the forgotten." he answers. "If nobody living can remember you, you go to Heimsmire."

"Oh, that doesn't sound like a very nice place" You shiver.

"It's not sunny, if that's what your getting at." he said.

"I wish I could have met Antonio."

Nightwatcher laughed, "you two would have been best friends."

NightWatcher's Guide to the ClawsWhere stories live. Discover now