AU! Breaking CrowHaven

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CrowHaven is tourtured after rebelling against his father

Breaking CrowHaven .

Crowhaven gasped out in pain. His mangled wing brushing against the chains surrounding him.

    Trapped. He had been captured. He let the tears flow from his eyes. Crow had lost everything. Trying to push himself off the floor, he could feel the open wounds on his chest and arms scream out. His blood covered the rough stone floor. Crowhaven yelped as another wound opened up, pain seared across his back. He had been beaten and tortured for his defiance against the union. he had refused to give up his land, choosing instead to protect his people… his children. This was the price he paid.

Crow lost his land, his people, and his beautiful kids. Crowhaven sobbed, his tears running clear onto the bloodied floor. His beautiful kids, stolen from him! Shakily he tried to stand, but cried out as he fell back down again. He was too weak. Not strong enough, not good enough.

    The heavy chains shackled too his wrists rattled as he pulled himself into a sitting position. Wheezing crow leaned his head back, chest heaving. That little effort alone ripped away his remaining energy. His open wounds spilled more blood. He raised a shaky hand and glanced at it. His white fingers were covered in dirt and his own blood, his palms had been slit by his torturers. Solemnly he glanced down at himself once more, ‘ah, slow and painful’ he thought. His back, chest, arms, and legs were covered in cuts and wounds. If he didn't die from blood loss infection would take him. 

'    His children's smiling faces crossed his mind. Crowhaven clenched his teeth, choking on another sob, he cried out his pain and agony. His beautiful children… 

-this is all I have for now. This was an older whiting I did while I was first creating CrowHaven. Hope you're not too sad!
Happy October Everyone!!

CrowHaven Oneshots/short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora