Give me one reason why I should love myself

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Only one? Giiirl I could give you a thousand of reasons why it is so important to love yourself. But at the end of the day it still depends on you, if you want to do it or not.

When I started to practise self-love I gained a lot of benefits from it that I have noticed over the past years. At the beginning, I have to admit, that I couldn't notice the changes that I made because they were too small. And that's completely normal! At the beginning it will take you a long time to recognize and see the little steps that you made. But someday you will look back and recognize that the little steps that you made were not small but big.
So if you have read the first pages of my guide book and you're still not sure if you should start practising self-love then let me show you some benefits that I have gained and that you could gain too. But before I show you the benefits I would like to say that you shouldn't feel forced to do anything. What I'm trying to say is that if you are not sure or ready to do this, you shouldn't do it. Do it because you want it and because you feel comfortable about it but never because you feel forced!

Acceptance: when you love yourself, you create a mindset of acceptance.This allows you not only to accept who you are, including all of your positive and negative sides, but also the situations in your life.

Self-confidence: when you accept who you are, you build self-confidence which is feeling good about yourself, your opinions and skills. This means that you will no longer feel personally attacked by criticism or negative comments. It will also be easier for you to socialize with others because you are no longer afraid of any rejection.

Not caring about others opinions: what other people think about you, your life or your choices become insignificant to you. You will automatically start doing what you want to do without thinking about what other people will say or think about you. You get the the ability to do anything that you want without hesitation and fear.

A better you, a better life: when you love yourself, you look better because you are happy with who you are. You will not only see the good things in you but also the good things in your life. Everything around you becomes more beautiful and appealing. Self-love gives you the chance to see things, people and life from another perspective. A better perspective.

Self-growth: when you love and value yourself, you are willing to grow into a better you. You care about your happiness and well-being so you do everything to comfort yourself. Thanks to that you recognize the bad habits and toxic relationships that you have and remove them from your life. This will give you a lot of space which you could fill with things that helps you to grow.

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