The 7 day self-care challenge

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Now that you finally know the different types of self-care, the best thing you can do is to create your own self-care routine. Since there are so many types of self-care and you probably don't know where you should start, I created a 7 days self-care challenge especially for you.
You don't have to do this challenge, just like I said, you can create your own. But if you have difficulty getting into a good routine, you can use mine.

Day 1: Set one goal to accomplish for the next seven days
Start the first day and plan what you would like to get done during this seven day challenge. Write down one goal you want to accomplish and at the end of the week, see if you were able to accomplish it.

Day 2: Sleep enough
Set your alarm every day for 7 - 9 hours of sleep.

Day 3: Drink enough
Drink enough water for the next 7 days. With enough water I mean at least 8 glasses of water. Taking a bottle of water to school or work and refilling it when its empty, can help you remember drinking water. Another option would be a drinking water reminder app.

Day 4: Me time
Take every day at least 30 minutes time for yourself. In this time you can do whatever you want. Just make sure you spend this time alone.

Day 5: Social interaction
Spend at least one time with healthy relationships with friends and your family.

Day 6: Spiritual time
Make time for spiritual self-care. You can do yoga, pray, go for a walk in nature or meditate. Just make sure that you spend at least 10 minutes doing nothing but just breathing and clearing your mind.

Day 7: Emotions
Write down on a paper how you are feeling and why you are feeling this way. If something happened that you want to get rid of, write it down.

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