I want to love myself!

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If you have finally decided to love yourself, you should first know that it won't be easy. Self-love is a journey. It takes a lot of time, effort, enthusiasm, patience and practice.
There will be moments in your life where you will probably think about giving up and even in those moments you have to stay strong and keep going. You will find a lot of obstacles in your path which you will have to overcome. And maybe just like for me, it will be difficult for you to recognize the little steps that you made. But even then you have to keep fighting.
Decide to love yourself every single day and watch yourself grow!

Before I show you ways to love yourself, I first want you to listen to a song that I have found on youtube. I especially like this song because it has a strong meaning and it is so relatable. This song should be my personal gift to you to motivate you and give you strength. I hope you like it and please watch it with lyrics!

Olivia O'Brien - Love Myself

Now that you have listened to this song and are hopefully more motivated, we can finally start

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