Emotional self-care

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This type of self-care is about being gentle with yourself and your feelings. This means being able to know what you are feeling and when you are feeling it. It's the power to deal with your emotions and express them in a healthy way.

You have to understand your feelings and why you feel this way. You have to understand that having feelings is human, whether those feelings are good or unpleasant like, jealousy, anger etc. It doesn't matter, none of these emotions, make you a bad person. Remember that!

For me, emotional self-care is the type of self-care, that I struggle with the most. I often feel stressed and there are days that no matter what I try to make me feel better, nothing works. And that's normal. There will be days where you can't do nothing about it but be patient and loving to yourself. And that's enough. Sometimes the only way you can help yourself is by understanding.

How to practise emotional self-care:
One way to work on your emotional self-care is by changing the tone of your inner voice. Try to make your inner voice your best friend instead of your enemy. Your inner voice should comfort you and not verbally abuse you. Say no to requests you don't want to do and stop feeling guilty for that. You aren't forced to do anything, and even less so for the benefit of others. If something or someone hurts or annoys you, know your limits and step back. And don't you ever try to hide from your feelings by consuming drugs, alcohol or food. You better look for people you can talk to if you are feeling depressed, anxious or whatever you might be struggling with. If there is no one you can talk to, I recommend talking with your school psychologist, because in my case it was what helped me the most.

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