Chapter ONE

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Chapter One

Permanent Marker {Niall Horan Love Story}

All Rights Reserved

*Taliyah's POV*

As I open my eyes in the small hotel room in New York, New York, I see my cousin Layla Becker standing over me. Since I volunteered to sleep on the floor, she looked 10 feet tall. I didn't see my other cousin Hailey or my Aunt Maureen anywhere.

"Uh, Layla? Where are Hailey and Aunt Maureen?" I ask still half asleep. I was hungry and tired. My back was sore from the cold hard floor. 

I attempted to get up, but the gravity was so strong, it pulled me back to the floor. It was too early in the morning to even think about this.

"They went to the breakfast room to get breakfast," she replies with a smile.

She was already dressed and ready to go. I was still a mess. My pink and blue plaid pajama pants, pink Volleyball Regionals t-shirt, and pink and green striped socks were still on my body and my hair was sticking up every which way. Most of the hair got out of my pony-tail I wore to sleep and I feel a little grungy. 

That's when I actually understand the words Layla is forming. I needed food quick or else my dark side will show. That would be embarrassing especially what day it is.

"And you didn't wake me?" I ask calmly trying to control my anger. 

"Well, you looked peaceful. Now, brush your teeth and we'll go!" she shouts and runs over to the bathroom motioning me to follow her.

I force myself to my feet with every source of energy I could possibly collect. I use the bed next to me to help me up. Considering what important event is about to happen today, I should be bouncing off the walls in excitement, but I just don't want to.

I walk to the bathroom and lazily get to the sink. Layla then walks up behind me and frowns.

"What's wrong?" I ask with concern. 

"You're face is so pretty and mine is blah," she says with a pout.

Layla is a little shorter than me by about 4 inches. She's 5 feet 1 inch tall whereas I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall. She has bright red hair and braces. She has brown eyes as well. I have dark brown hair and bright eyes. I'm not sure what color they are. In the center is mostly green with brown specks and on the outside is a thick ring of dark blue. Light blue is mixed in with the dark blue as well. I guess that would be called hazel? I don't know. But my teeth are perfect. There is no imperfection anywhere. I always take care of my teeth no matter what. They are my favorite thing about me with my mysterious eyes following in a close second.

"What do you mean?" I ask not seeing why she would think that. She's really pretty herself if only she'd see it.

"Your face is so clear and perfect whereas I have zits everywhere," she complains and I can see she exaggerated a lot. She only had a few pimples on her forehead and on her cheeks. Maybe one or two on her nose and chin. My face has no pimples, zits, or blemishes anywhere, but who cares? Everyone is pretty in their own way.

"It's ok, Layla," I say as I brush my teeth.

"No, Taliyah. I refuse to go anywhere today," she says and sits on the toilet as if it were a regular seat. I finish brushing my teeth and rinse out my mouth. Then, I turn to her with a stern look.

"Oh, no, no, NO!" I ahout annoyed. I really needed food because at this point, I can't stop myself. "You're the person who begged me to come here with you for this One Direction concert that we don't even have tickets to! I only came because you wanted me to. You better go to this concert with me, Hailey, and Aunt Maureen or else I'll never forgive you!"

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