Chapter THREE

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Chapter Three

Permanent Marker {Niall Horan Love Story}

All Rights Reserved

*Niall's POV*

"Ellie, honey," I begin, but Ellie just starts laughing. "What?"

"Nothing. It's something I just read on the Internet. Can you believe what people would do just to get a good story?" she asks and I force a laugh.

"What did they say?" I ask. If this is about Taliyah, how would the paparazzi have gotten to her so quickly? I only laid eyes on her about 45 minutes ago. 

"It says 'Is Niall leaving his girlfriend, Ellie, for a new girl?' with a photo shopped picture of you and some brunette," Ellie explains and starts laughing.

"Ellie, that picture isn't photo shopped. Her name is Taliyah. I'm sorry, but I think she's the one, not you," I say and close my eyes. I regret that. I keep trying to remind myself that in the end when I get Taliyah, I won't regret saying this. If I didn't say that, most hearts are broken from words left unsaid.

"What?" she asks calmly and I breathe. I wonder how she's taking this.

"I love Taliyah Meyers. I'm sorry, Ellie, but when I looked into her tri-colored eyes, my heart started racing and it felt as though a thousand lightning volts went through me," I explain.

"Fine. You'll regret this decision, though. When you want me back, I won't be here," she says then hangs up. I sigh and put my phone away. That was easy. For me, anyway.

"I got a call from the hospital, mate. Taliyah is awake and ok," Louis says and we run outside and call a taxi. When the taxi comes, Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Layla, Hailey, their mom, and I pile in.

The taxi ride wasn't long at all. It happens that the hospital is just a few blocks away and got there really quickly. I rush out and through the hospital doors. I notice Liam pay the taxi driver, but I don't care right now. I approach the front desk where the receptionist around her late teen years spots me.

"Hello, Mr. Horan. Lovely day isn't it?" she asks trying to be flirty, but I ignore it. I needed to see Taliyah.

"What room is Taliyah Meyers in?" I ask immediately and she flashes me a smile.

"Room 125 right down the hall," she say in a flirty manner, but I just speed off in the direction she pointed in. I didn't have time for games. I needed Taliyah.

I find room 125 and spot Taliyah sitting alone on the bed watching the TV.

"Hello," I announce and walk inside. She turns her head, sees me, then turns her attention back on the TV.

"Is Layla here?" she asks without looking at me.

"Yeah, she'll be here soon," I say pulling a chair up next to her bed. She has a sling over her shoulder and a bandage wrapped around her forehead with a red stain where she was bleeding from.

"Why did you say you wanted to be near me when you have a girlfriend?" she asks suddenly as she turns the TV off and puts all her attention on me.

"Well, that's a long story. She's not my girlfriend anymore. We broke up literally 2 minutes ago, give or take," I explain, but Taliyah doesn't look sold.

"I don't believe you," she states firmly.

"I didn't think you would, but you're the girl I love. You have to trust me. Please," I beg her, but inside I know that she needs to be proven through action, not words. Her guard is up to me. Most girls would be thrilled to have me ask them to my girlfriend, but she doesn't want to. I don't know if she really doesn't want me or if she's just playing hard to get.

"No," she says and smirks.

"Well, I don't like playing these games. If you won't say you want me then I won't waste my time on you," I threaten hoping she'll finally let me in.

"Okay," she says. I guess not. "I don't date players."

"I'm not a player! I knew dating Ellie wasn't the right choice. If I were single, would you let me in?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I know what celebrities are like. That's not my type of guy," she responds.

"But I'm not like a normal celebrity! I have to prove it to you somehow!" I argue and she just gives me a blank expression. 

"I don't know how you would, either. Considering we'll never see each other again," she says and I can't let that happen. "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be," she adds.

"Fine. I'll set you free. I know you'll come back to me. I promise you'll come back to me," I say and she starts frowning. "What's wrong?"

"Layla has tickets for another one of your concerts," she says sadly.

"Let me guess, you have tickets to the one tonight, right?" I ask and she nods bashfully. She starts blushing and it's extremely attractive. This girl can do anything and I'll love it. I don't know. She gives me butterflies whenever she's near me. I know this girl is the one. How do I prove it to her?

"Niall, you ran so fast we couldn't catch up!" Harry's familiar voice rings in my ear breaking me from staring at Taliyah while she looked away. I needed her to understand how much I love her.

"Sorry," I say turning around. Everyone is here. My mates and Taliyah's mates. 

"Is she all right?" Layla asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Taliyah says listening. Layla then runs to her side and hugs her not noticing the sling at first. "Ow," Taliyah adds.

"Sorry. Was this my fault?" Layla says staring at the sling and the bandage.

"No, don't worry about it," she replies and Hailey rushes to her side.

"Oh, Taliyah, I hope you're okay!" she shouts in concern.

"Yeah, I am fine," she responds. 

Zayn's phone goes off. He looks at it and looks back at us. "That was Paul saying we need to be at Madison Square Garden for sound check and make up and all that such," he explains and I glance over at Taliyah. All I wanted was her in my arms. All I needed was the clarification that she was mine. I don't have that. I'm not even sure I ever will, but when I see Taliyah again, she'll have to know we're meant to be. She just has to know. She can't deny it.

Liam, Louis, Zay, Harry, and I walk out of the hospital room. "Wait!" I shout and they look back at me. I smile and turn around back into the room. I head to Taliyah and look into her eyes. "I'll see you later." Then, I join my band mates outside the room and we head out.

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