Stage 1

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A/N: Welcome to the last book! (Maybe..) And now it is time for a guessing game! Do you know who that is up top? Winner(s) get a shout out! (^^)

I will also name the chapters if I can..


~Timeskip; Months later~

Delirious PoV:

"Give it back damnit!" "Nope!" I kept my hand up that held Y/Ns mask as she tried to reach it, smiling under my own. Yet, I tried to ignore the migraine I was having. "No fair! You're way taller than I am!" "That's the best part!" She huffed and turned around, crossing her arms.

My smile fell as I stepped in front of her, she faced away. I sighed and tried again, rubbing my head this time. Y/N glared at me before facing the wall. "Don't do this..." I hated when she did this, not giving me any attention kinda annoys me. "P-please Teddy.."

She stayed quiet, I sat down behind her and looked down. I heard her giggled before sitting in front of me. I stared at her while frowning. Y/N only gave my mask a small peck before yanking her mask back. "Thank you Deli~!" I blushed a bit and nodded, the migraine cooled down a bit.

"Hey! You gotta share! You can't just run off like that!" I groaned while hearing Vanti march his way over, wrapping his arm around Y/Ns waist. He was not helping. "I understand that, but you don't have to be so... d-demanding!" "Demanding?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

He stood in front of me and growled, I snarled and crosses my arms, glaring daggers at him. "Daddies! Don't fight please!" Milyy ran over and stood between us, tears running down her rosy cheeks. I frowned and kneeled down, ruffling her hair. "Sorry p-princess.."

Vanti then picked Milyy up and placed her on his shoulders. "She is my princess! Try taking her from me!" I could tell her was playing, he had that look in his eyes. I ran after him as Milyy giggled. "WEEEEEE!!!" I stopped before jogging back to Y/N, my migraine went away the closer I got to her.

She shook her head and smiled. "At least you're getting along.. Took you long enough!" She then punched my arm, I laughed and hugged her. She was then ripped out of my arms. "Mine!"

I growled and glared at the person, before calming down. It was just Zippy. He never got on my bad side and was the calm one in the relationship, he actually is protective of Y/N but shares her evenly.

I only laughed and nodded, then flinched as I felt liquid drip down my nose. I was thankful my mask was on. "It is y-your turn, so I'm going to go p-play with Milyy and Van, see ya!" They waved as I turned the corner. Stop fighting it! It's no fun~! I growled while walking into my room and staring at the mirror.

"We are going to have a talk.." I stood in front of it, my reflection faded as it was replaced with someone else. He stuck his tongue out and stared at me, eyes half open. "Fine, let's talk~.."

Your PoV:

I hugged Zippy while humming, he was so warm. "I missed you.." He laughed a bit and held me close. "I missed you too!" I smile. Ever since Milyy started school, we've been hanging at the 2p dimension. It was cool since time here is faster. And Zippy barely stutters, he only does when he lies and is embarrassed.

It hasn't happen yet and that makes me happy. I jumped a bit gave his cheek a peck, his face flushed a dark red. I giggled. "Even the smallest things I do make you blush that bad.." "S-shut up.." I gasped. "You lied! You don't want me to! Hehehe!"

He only smiled and kissed the top of my head, placing his hands on my stomach. "Do you think they would w-want another..?" I leaned against him and shook my head. "You heard Ryan, it was dangerous enough that we almost lost Milyy. We should wait until I'm ready! And by that, I mean wait till my body is healed.."

When I brought Milyy into this world, I was risking both our lives. Every push almost had me at my limit, my coccyx was broken and half my pelvis was cracking. But I didn't give up. I was losing a lot of blood and my heart felt like it was about to burst out of my body.

They told me to stop, tears flowing down their faces. But I didn't listen, I kept going. As soon as I was done, the lower half of my body had shut down to relax. I had to stay in a wheelchair until Milyy could walk. I didn't know because I could only get out of bed to eat and go to the restroom.

I missed my baby girls first steps, and she thought Sugar was her mom at first. The memory ached my heart as I found myself on Zips lap, hyperventilating. He was stroking my hair and humming my favorite song.

"You're thinking about it aren't you..?" He said, which I responded with a nod. Zippy frowned and kissed me lightly. "We don't have to, it was just a suggestion.." I nodded again and stood up, rubbing my face. "It's lunch anyway, then we train and go out.." I smiled and headed to the kitchen.

Everyone smiled at me, before their faces fell. "Why were you crying Auntie Y/N?" Doc asked, walking toward me. She held her arms out, I picked her up. She hugged me tightly before wanting to be put down.

Milyy then ran over and hugged my leg. I placed a hand on her head. "I'll be fine Ly, don't worry.." She only nodded and walked to Doc, her cheeks a bright red. I smiled. "Young love.." Terroriser then opened his mouth, I glared.

"Say it I fucking dare you.." The girls gasped. "Swear jar! Swear jar! Put your money in the swear jar!" "FUCK! SHIT! I MEAN- DANG!" "SSHH! THE BABY IS SLEEPING!" Everyone laughed as I put coins in the jar before I put it on top of the fridge.

"Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us.." Del said, sitting next to me and laying a head on my shoulder. Vanti sat on the other side and Zip sat across from me. Nogla then handed out the food and we all ate in silence.

Me and the girls helped cleaned up as everyone else got ready. "So, does this mean we can get new dollies?!" I nodded. "But we will have to find a victim who has kids, it's a good possibility they will have toys! Now go get ready!"

They giggled and ran up to their room. I shook my head and smiled. Let's see where this goes..


A/N: :D?

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